Mathe Ungleichung?

Also ich hab das so gelöst:

1 Fall: x+1>0

ich stell gleich um: x-1<x+1

dann wäre doch die Lösung x Element aller reellen Zahlen

Das selbe gilt doch für den Fall x+1<0

Der Defintionsbereich ist doch alle reellen Zahlen außer-1

wäre dann die Lösung dem Defintionsbereich gleich oder wie soll ich das sonst verstehen

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1 year ago

No, you forgot to include the condition of the cases in which Solution quantity.

In the first case x+1>0 the inequality is fulfilled for all real numbers which are the condition of 1. If x+1>0 meets, so all reellen x with x>-1.

In the second case x+1 <0 results the deformation of the imbalance
x-1 > x+1 This inequality has no solution.
So there is no solution for the second case

Overall, the amount of solution of the inequality is the amount of solution of 1st. If:
all reellen x with x>-1

1 year ago

in the first part you are right

x+10 you probably mean all real numbers x <-1, right? Because all real numbers would also be x=3 and then you would have 3+1 <1, which would be wrong.

1 year ago
Reply to  Todaboi

yes, in the first case x all real numbers, but in the second x all real numbers KLEINER-1.

1 year ago

No, the answer is completely wrong.