Mathe Ungleichung?
Also ich hab das so gelöst:
1 Fall: x+1>0
ich stell gleich um: x-1<x+1
dann wäre doch die Lösung x Element aller reellen Zahlen
Das selbe gilt doch für den Fall x+1<0
Der Defintionsbereich ist doch alle reellen Zahlen außer-1
wäre dann die Lösung dem Defintionsbereich gleich oder wie soll ich das sonst verstehen
No, you forgot to include the condition of the cases in which Solution quantity.
In the first case x+1>0 the inequality is fulfilled for all real numbers which are the condition of 1. If x+1>0 meets, so all reellen x with x>-1.
In the second case x+1 <0 results the deformation of the imbalance
x-1 > x+1 This inequality has no solution.
So there is no solution for the second case
Overall, the amount of solution of the inequality is the amount of solution of 1st. If:
all reellen x with x>-1
in the first part you are right
x+10 you probably mean all real numbers x <-1, right? Because all real numbers would also be x=3 and then you would have 3+1 <1, which would be wrong.
I understand that correctly : 2case : x+1 <0 -> x < -1
in the case of the equation : x-1
-> x Element of all real numbers
but the condition is x < -1
the solution in the second case is all real numbers greater -1
yes, in the first case x all real numbers, but in the second x all real numbers KLEINER-1.
No, the answer is completely wrong.