Mathe oder Deutsch LK BW Berufliches Gymnasium? Mathe oder Deutsch 5 stündig?
Hallo zusammen,
ich bin gerade in der 11.Klasse und muss mich bald zwischen Physik, Bio und Chemie entscheiden. Ich habe ein Dilemma zwischen Bio und Chemie. Notentechnisch bin ch in beiden Fächern sehr gut (Bio: 1,5 und Chemie: 1,0) Ich interessiere mich für Bio etwas mehr als für Chemie, allerdings sagen viele, dass Bio seit letztem Jahr deutlich schwerer geworden ist im Vergleich zu Chemie. Mein Dilemma ist sehr groß, ich weiß nicht was ich machen soll…hat jemand eventuell schon aktuelle Erfahrungen gemacht und kann mich beraten?
Genau derselbe Fall ist zwischen Mathe und Deutsch LK…In beiden Fächern stehe ich auf einer 1. Mathe mag ich mehr, aber ich habe großen Respekt davor. Vor allem wenn ich überlege, dass ich dann Abi mit Mathe LK schreiben werde. Allerdings will ich nach dem Abi BWL Bankwesen studieren und da brauche ich auch Mathe. Ich weiß nur nicht, ob da der Grundkurs ausreicht…wahrscheinlich nicht oder?
Ich würde mich sehr freuen, wenn mir jemand von seinen/ihren Erfahrungen berichtet und mir meine Entscheidung dadurch leichter fällt. Denkt ihr, dass Mathe und Bio eine schlimme Kombi ist, was den Schwierigkeitsgrad angeht?
Vielen Dank für die Antworten
I actually have chemistry and organic as performance courses and would claim that chemistry is more challenging for me than organic or that I have to learn significantly more (Chemie 2-3 weeks, organic usually 3 days) to write really good grades. But my interest in bio is also greater. I would really recommend you to choose what interests you more, because I find that you need to take more from class and learn less. As a third performance course, I have maths and I have also slendered strongly between German and Mathe. If you understand Mathe so far or in your class are one of the first to explain it to others or so, you have hardly any problems in the LK. There’s always a subject that’s better or worse, but that’s all right. I think that German is more extensive and then more work than mathematics.
For me, Mathe and Bio are very good as a combination. I’m fine with both of them and I’d choose both again as LK. My bigger problem is, unfortunately, chemistry. There’s an extremely high level of learning at least…
I hope I can help you with this;)
Thank you for your honest answer. My question is still in which state you live. It is necessary to memorize many Latin terms in organic terms or to some extent. Chemistry plays a major role in bio. Is there a lot of chemical? Do you need to know reaction equations by heart and how do the exams look in organic and chemical?
In Baden Württemberg. We had Latin terms in organic so far, at the highest 10 or so. From the material in Bio, almost only the basics of chemistry are included. If you know that water is polar, for example, you can do most. In chemistry, you have to learn how to memorize reaction equations much more than in bio, for example those of detection reactions. In bio, there are only photosynthesis equations and few others. Klausuren are pretty teachers. But in organic, you have to learn this only overage. That’s quite easy for me, because you just have to know the learned. I’m chemistry is harder for me, because sometimes there are other things to do…