Mathe einfach besser werden?
ich habe große Schwierigkeiten mit Mathe, was mir persönlich sehr unangenehm ist. Leider haben mich Lehrer deswegen oft heruntergemacht, was mein Selbstvertrauen nicht gerade gestärkt hat. Die Grundlagen, wie das Einmaleins und andere einfachere Themen, verstehe ich, aber bei schwierigeren Sachen wie Brüchen oder Sachaufgaben komme ich überhaupt nicht weiter – egal, wie sehr ich mich bemühe.
Hat jemand Tipps, wie ich besser damit umgehen oder lernen kann? Ich wäre wirklich dankbar für jede Unterstützung.🙏🏼😅
If it’s not about school anymore, there’s a very simple solution: just work with things that are needed for your personal life situation. First of all, you have motivation because it – unlike school – for you is important and secondly, you will increasingly notice that it does not make any effort. In addition, the effects of shutting down have less influence on your psyche. Without psychological treatment, it will have further influence on you.
Greeting Matti
Okay, looks like I’m the wrong tutor. You’re 18 and you’re talking about “bad things”? What kind of school are you visiting? Have you ever tried remedies? Do you at least have a spark of enthusiasm for mathematics?
Hello, so I’m not going to school anymore, I’m going to go to a vocational school, but I don’t have a math there, but I’d just like to get better for myself and just to have a better understanding in the field, because you never know when you need your knowledge 🙂
I had already thought about remedies and I think I will consider it. Thanks for the answer
Then I have another tip before you spend money for help.
Watch videos from the YouTube channels from the Sabine(?) from “Mathematrick” and from “Lehrer Schmidt”.
You should get another tutor.
Take care