Mastubierung nach der Beschneidung?
hey ich bin 14 und wurde letzte woche dienstag halb beschnitten und wollte jetzt mal fragen wann man ungefähr wieder mit der sb anfangen kann. Ich sehe zwar immer noch sehr viele fäden und es ist angeschwollen und dazu bekomme ich die vorhaut gerade auch noch nicht hinter die eichel aber wann könnte ich leichtes mastubieren wieder anfangen.
freue mich über jede antwort LG Nils
Wichsen is normally possible after two to three weeks. As long as there is thread material and you have swelling, it is always too early.
From my own experience I know that it is difficult to operate chastity. During the investigation before my circumcision, I asked the urologist when I could do Sb again, and she gave me the answer, after about 6 to 10 weeks, if there is no more pain. And there were 10 weeks where I could put my hand. Be a man and keep going.
As long as the threads are still in and it is still swollen, I would recommend you to leave it (if it falls hard)
what do you mean, how do I have to imagine?
Be cut soon, however completely tight in any case.
Partial trim, scorn remains half covered. It should be completely tight. That’s better.
Why should it be better?
The scar can narrow again, and you still have smegma formation.
Do you even read the answers among your other questions????
With masturbating after a trim 3-4 week waiting. When all threads are out, nix is swollen and you have no pain
you are partial circumcision, then you have had luck and you have not been taken everything. wait until the threads are gone.
thank you for your answer
but start to swell!