Mastercard Problem im Ausland?


derzeit befinde ich mich in Thailand und habe etwas kuriose Probleme mit meiner Mastercard beim Bezahlen:

Gestern wollte ich im Restaurant bezahlen und es wurde angeblich laut Kartenlesegerät mein PIN falsch eingegeben, weshalb die Zahlung nicht ging. Heute morgen in einem anderen Shop klappte es hingegen problemlos (mit natürlichen der gleichen PIN). Als ich eben vor 20min wieder etwas zahlen wollte, ging es wieder nicht. Die Mastercard meiner Freundin klappt hingegen immer auf Anhieb. Was kann das sein?

Die Hotline meint hierzu, dass meine Karte 100% funktioniert und es an den jeweiligen Läden liegt. Aber meiner Ansicht nach kann das ja nicht sein…

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2 years ago

My first thought would be a manipulated device.

The card data and the PIN are stored and then money is debited in the amount that the fraudsters enter. The error message arises because the device does not really debit, but only collects the card data and the PIN.

I don’t want to panic, but it might make sense to keep an eye on the account in the next time.

2 years ago
Reply to  MartinB1994

It was just my first thought. It can also easily be on the reader or on the map. Maybe order a new card. Something on the chip or on the magnetic strip can’t be okay.

Does it always only fit when paying with the chip or with the magnetic strip or both or does it not have the card of one of the two?

2 years ago

Yeah, weird.

This may have to do with the encryption and decryption of the PIN…but I can only guess.

2 years ago

Okay, then it might be on the chip. In Germany, however, it is usually paid with chip. At any rate, I have heard somewhere that the reading and authentication method is partly different abroad. If the card exactly knows a small defect, the malfunction can explain. I think a new card would be the simplest measure first.

2 years ago

So the payment is always with chip and not with the magnetic stripe (drawing through the device)?

2 years ago

If necessary. Always affecting the same model of the reader?

It can also be that your card is only “something” defective, so make readers who still fully recognize and others no longer.

That’s how it could be at the shop’s credit institution. In the case of the same bank or Calculator.

2 years ago
Reply to  MartinB1994

However, my friend’s card always works right away.

This had already written in your question and helps with the points I had written no further.

2 years ago

Why do you ask Hotline or here if you don’t believe the answers? Of course it’s on the reader.