Massiver Gewichtsverlust durch THC Entzug?
Ich habe seit dem neuen Jahr mit dem kiffen aufgehört, davor habe ich ungefähr jeden 2ten bis 3ten Tag konsumiert.
Nun ist das Problem, dass sich mein Appetit sehr gemindert hat und ich innerhalb von nicht einmal zwei Wochen von ~61kg auf ~58kg gefallen bin. Bin weiblich und 1,75m groß, heißt laut BMI nicht mehr viel bis zum Untergewicht.
Ist das normal? Hat jemand ähnliche Erfahrungen gemacht? Und wie kann man den Appetit wieder anregen?
Try sports or just walk. It stimulates metabolism. Surely you burn something, but hunger will definitely come!
It sounds good with a walk. Thank you.
So have to say… since I walk half an hour a day my appetite has become much bigger again thanks 🙏
I’m glad. Very welcome
so weight loss is relatively “normal” with almost any kind of withdrawal. But not purely anatomical, but by other symptoms such as:
So, for example, through sleep problems and nervousness problems, the feeling of hunger is sometimes reduced.
I think and I think you should do this in consultation with your family doctor.
There are many different ways to stimulate hunger and appetite again, but is a very individual theme. A concept should therefore be tailored to you personally.
Thank you!
And I’m proud of you that you came down and I think you’re on the right path! <3
Cushion on the nose <3
Thank you! That’s so sweet of you!
If you smoke something, then you want to eat something and if you don’t smoke, you have to eat something with less pleasure.
At 3 Kg you can not talk about a “massive” weight loss. It is clear that cannabis has appetit-promoting properties and, if there is no cannabinoids, a change in the diet or a waiver of “Fressflash food”.
Weight gain (without cannabis) works with sweet and fatty, calorie-rich food and drinks.
Well, yes. The weight is 3kg in 12 days. Especially if I really tried to take good food to me.
We never had fressflashes when I cried. Lag probably also at the frequency of consumption.
And I don’t want to take as many calories as possible to me, but to stimulate appetite again. 😂😅
You could ask for a referral to nutrition advice via your family doctor.
What would be so bad about using cannabis again in the same frequency (all two, three days), especially since it starts from 1. April becomes legal (to possess certain quantities) ?
They’re just about 5% of their total weight and you’re not talking massively. All right 🤣
A matter of interpretation, and not suitable to waste calories in a debate about it.
Yes, I will ask for this with the nutritional advice.
This is not about legality or the like. I deliberately stopped because it didn’t do well to my mental health. Since I stopped, it’s much better. I just have the problem with appetite.