Maßnahme Arbeitsamt abbrechen krankheitsbedingt?
Guten Tag. Ich nehme aktuell an einer Maßnahme vom Arbeitsamt teil und bekomme dies gesundheitlich aktuell noch nicht hin. War jetzt die letzten drei Wochen krankgeschrieben und wurde in der Nacht akut in der Klinik aufgenommen. Ist ein Abbruch einer Maßnahme möglich, wenn man es gesundheitlich noch nicht hinbekommt? Und welche Folgen würde dies haben? Beziehe BU Rente und diese wird mit 100€ Bürgergeld aufgestockt, RV und KV wird vom Amt übernommen.
If a doctor confirms it in writing that one is unable to participate further, it has no consequences to cancel.
It’s not quite right.
Then say something specifically. Because in Germany this is now the common handle. In professional life as in unemployment. And since I had the same situation as the FS, I also know how to handle it.
It’s relevant! If a referee is written ill, he doesn’t have to appear. He’s sick.
It is then up to the specialist to “check” this by an expert.
Don’t confuse attest.
Those who are ill-written for a long time (unemployed) DO NOT participate in a measure. Do you seriously expect people to be forced to appear (or there are consequences) despite attesting? It’s not just laughable, it wouldn’t be right either. There are attests for good reason, not Jux.
It’s not.
Obviously not.
What a doctor confirms in writing is fundamentally irrelevant, since only a medical expert can judge the ability of the service provider to participate in the measure legally and, above all, may.
A “normal” doctor can write “only” sick, which, however, does not in general exempt from the obligation to participate.
However, I admit that decisions on such matters are also individual case can be with which I mean that medical attests in individual cases may be recognized without an expert opinion.
If there is an important reason and a disease over a longer period of time would be one, if your doctor should also confirm in writing, then it may also have no financial disadvantages for you.
If you have an invalidity pension, you should also dispense with your health insurance contributions, etc.
But even if that wasn’t the case, the Jobcenter would pay max.the contribution for the health and care insurance, because since 2011 no contributions are paid by the Jobcenter into the pension insurance, that is only the case with the ALG – 1 as insurance benefit from the Employment Agency.
You should discuss a demolition of the measure with the job center and the carrier beforehand.
Don’t cancel.
If you’re sick, it won’t work. You have to see that you’re gonna be okay. Then go on
You can write incapable of work, don’t affect the increase, you have to apply for an extra job center.
Okay! Thank you very much.
That’s not true.