Masken Pflicht Verweigert: Ausraster im Zug?
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Quelle: Facebook/RTL.
In einem Regionalzug von Kiel nach Neumünster musste eine Zugbegleiterin einen Mann mehrere Male dazu bitten, einen Mund-Nasen-Schutz aufzusetzen. Daraufhin beleidigte der 36-Jährige die Frau und eine hinzugerufene Kollegin und verhielt sich laut Bundespolizei äußerst aggressiv. Der Mann zog mehrmals die Notbremse und brachte den Zug somit immer wieder zum Stehen. Anschließend griff der Mann zum Nothammer und schlug damit auf drei Seitenscheiben des Zugs. Am Bahnhof in Neumünster wurde der Mann folglich von einer Streife der Bundespolizei in Empfang genommen und von der Weiterfahrt ausgeschlossen. Gegen ihn wird nun ein Strafverfahren wegen Beleidigung, Bedrohung, Nötigung und Sachbeschädigung eingeleitet.
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Eigene Meinung:
Eigentlich sollte unsere Gesellschaft in Deutschland kapiert haben das dass “Corona Virus” immer bestehen wird auch wenn man Geimpft ist und man denkt man würde kein Corona bekommen weil man Geimpft ist. Allerdings ist es auch eine unfassbar krasse Schande für diesen Herren der wegen einer Maske einen halben Zug der Deutschen Bahn zerstört hat. Lasst es euch mal bitte im Kopf durchgehen wie Lächerlich das eigentlich ist. Eine Packung Masken kostet ca. 10,00€ und so eine (ach es waren Ja mehrere) Scheibe mehrere 1000,00€+. Ich finde es auch in keiner Weise gerechtfertigt sich dafür dem Deutsche Bahn Personal quer zu stellen weil die Deutsche Regierung diese Regeln machte.
Was haltet Ihr von dem Sachverhalt?
Ist das zu wenig Strafe oder sogar zuviel?
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Robin | TechBrain. 🙂
Those who so clearly show that their own existence is nothing worth should be removed accordingly.
Hard sentence.
Yes, 80 years ago, such sentences were common.
It’s the truth. Such a stupid, social piece of dirt has no right to waste our limited resources with its unnecessary existence.
You confirm my thesis. When freedom is so publicly beaten the nose as you do here, the dictatorship is quite close.
It has nothing to do with it. Our world has enough problems, such idiots don’t bring anything good to anyone, which is just about pushing your own ego and not being somehow restricted in its fReIHeIT.
That’s true.
There are two things that have nothing to do with each other.
It is not all right to drag the emergency brake without any emergency, let alone to destroy discs with the emergency hammer – point.
Whether the masquerade in the train (and elsewhere) makes sense would be a very own discussion, which would lead to too far.
And there has not been a punishment so far, there will be a court.
I read something about it. However, misinterpreted. :’
As far as I have heard, the masking obligation in Germany is eliminated.
However, this is not a reason to call for a mask to be violent and insulting.
Absolutely right. Many people don’t want to understand that.
You can assume that these many people are actually much less people than it seems. Probably they only work after many, because the much larger amount of people who understand it simply remains passive and do not interfere in the discourse.
Travellers in trains and buses Deutsche Bahn are obliged to wear a medical mask or FFP2 mask LG gadus
The masquerade is still in public transport until the end of August, an extension is very likely.
In many areas yes, in the ÖPNV, however, the mask obligation continues to apply nationwide.
I find it justified. These cases are over and over again. I’ve seen the case that one of you yelled at the inspector because he has to wear a mask. It came the accusation that they were part of the government to put our mouths on. His buddy who also didn’t have a mask beat her phone out of his hand and beat her. The Tf made a stop off schedule and let the police remove it. They didn’t want to listen to the police and were then handcuffed with 4 officers. The inspector was deliberately examined by the rescue service, but nothing you would deny that further worked would seem to be.
I’m also against the mask, but you don’t have to turn through
Typical crosshead. They seem to no longer be able to think straight and see the simplest connections that the smash of discs and pull the emergency brake will not be freed from the mask requirement.
There’s no punishment yet. Only criminal proceedings. They can be set or at the end each have the maximum penalty as a result.
Without the conclusion of criminal proceedings, you cannot judge them
RTL’s a good source.
What punishment? He’s determined, otherwise nix. Surely he’ll get his sentence.
Masking is compulsory.
Just imagine your beloved grandpa, wife/man, son, daughter, girlfriend, friend sitting in this train. And there’s a masculine conscientious objector, and it’s still being infected without a symptom. Suddenly he’s wearing your dear grandpa. And stupidly he also suffers finally and goes into the daily approx. 100 to 150 coronatotes. Are you still saying: Masking duty doesn’t have to be enforced?
The guy seems to have a problem in general. In this reaction, one can almost assume that it could pose a threat to the environment.
No punishment. The type does not have all chickens on the balcony and belongs at least temporarily to the squirrel factory.
Is that enough punishment for you?
I’m not talking about punishment. Obviously, he needs psychological treatment. A claim for damages is on another sheet.
Poor squirrels…
Too little punishment.
So do I. Would it have been right that the man would have to pay for the delay because he repeatedly pulled the emergency brake?
Or how do you think? 😀
Yes, it would have to pay for all additional costs. He could’ve just ignored the train attendants, they couldn’t have done anything before the next station.
How do you know the punishment that you know it’s too little? There’s no judgment yet.
Unfortunately not.
Penalty still too low
How do you know the punishment that you know it’s too low? There’s no judgment yet.
This person had no reason to pull the emergency brake.
Conclusion: Streitlotse/arbeit-und-karriere/not Bremse-zug-im-zug-wann-ist-authorised/
Everyone knows that there is a duty to mask in the ÖPNV. Those who do not agree with it must seek alternatives.
A well-known comedian had to leave a train for mask refusal…
There are several punishments coming together.
The disorder with the mask.
Damage to property
Evtl also misuse of the emergency brake.
Personal insult never goes.
And that 100e or 1000e people come too late, just because SIR didn’t want to cover his pretty face, it doesn’t matter.
The guy is old enough, I hope he gets a real board in court
I looked at the link more closely
The man has violated certain laws, but no punishment has yet been pronounced
I can give you an answer if this person was in court and the result is public
As long as no punishment is known, I can judge it badly
Thank you. ^^
Find the punishment still too much.
It’s really not a witchcraft to wear a medical mask in the train. At ffp2 I can understand some things in the heat…
If you still don’t understand it after time, you’re probably just lost hopelessly. I’m kind of sorry for such people. If you don’t get the simplest things, you have to live a really frustrated life.
I also support this opinion. :
And what too mild punishment has so far been specifically imposed?