Maske tragen noch sinnvoll?
Ist es noch sinnvoll eine Maske zu tragen? ich frag weil ich eben in der Schule einen ffp2 mundschutz aufsetzen muss. Keine Pflicht der Schule sondern meiner Mama. Das ist einfach nur blöd. Leider wissen das aber auch meine Lehrerinen weil meine Mama beim Elternsprechtag es gesagt hat. Jetzt hocke ich den ganzen Tag mit ffp2 Maske im Unterricht und auch beim Sport. Ich fühle mich da wie ein Außenseiter und irgendwie als Auserirdischer als einziger mit Maske. Habt ihr einen rat?
That was meaningless at the time. Then you’d have to wear protective goggles and gloves. A dust mask or the like protects you from nix alone.
I’ll join you.
As long as no one has coughs in your class, there is also a simple mouth mask.
but thanks for an op mask they do not allow me. it must be a ffp2 mask unfortunately
will you have given me masculine?
If there is a reason for this, there may be no ffp2. It’s not good to wear the several hours.
ok thanks the doctor said a mask was sensible but not necessarily necessary.
In a comment you have a lung disease since birth.
I understand the fear and concern of your mama and your uneasiness as an outsider.
I recommend that your physician – as a medical specialist – should determine how strong your immune system is, how you / your coerper regenerate on mogic infections and how you can mitigate / reject infection risks.
Okay, thanks. my doctor meant that making a mask quite sense but not necessarily necessary. at the end I have to decide but now my mama decides for me
Find good that you spoke to the doctor
Recommendations, now not a “lockdown”
but clearly he could not say anything
When it comes to cold, it’s easy because a week is lying around in bed or not, it’s a difference.
However, you can be stuck anywhere, even if you hit a door pawl or the like, you really don’t know where the cold came from.
I’m still pulling them up when someone smells around next to me on the bus or on the train.
But there is no masking obligation in the public.
I’m not cold. I am a risk patient because of my lungs
Then I would definitely use the mask. Whether you feel like an alien or not you have a weighty argument. Your health is all about it!
Then the last instance only remains the sports teacher.
yes then my mama always says that it was even mandatory for everyone in sports classes. that is true
Talk to your parents and your sports instructor. I can only recommend to your mother and your sports instructor to make sports with mask. Then you’ll see it doesn’t make any sense.
Okay, thank you. do you have a tip how I can breathe better in sports?
That’s exactly what my recommendation is. You should still wear ffp mask in class.
You want to stay healthy.
okay so you would allow me a mouthguard in class and free me from sport lessons?
Oral protection does not help as well as a FFP mask.
ok but does it necessarily have to be a ffp2 mask or does not suffice a normal mouth protection?
I wouldn’t let you get sick.
Why don’t you ask your mother if she wants to do a continuous run with a mask? Sport with mask is not sensible.
would you have given me masculine duty in school?
no my mother thinks sport is important
Can’t you get rid of sports lessons? Ask your mother because I can also imagine that sport with mask is not sensible.
ok but this is in school extremely strenuous straight in sport lessons with ffp2 mask
would you have given me masculine duty in school?
Clearly, masks limit the risk of infection. Just be alone for cold. The question is why your mother is so afraid of it. You would survive with almost 100% safety to get in touch with pathogens. Is someone at home who has a very weak lung or with supressed immune system because he or she is very ill? Then you don’t wear the mask for you. Otherwise I can’t see the meaning.
I have a pre-disordered lung or a limited lung function since birth
Then I’ll advise you on more education. You should strive to become the expert for your condition. Apparently you don’t know you in the field. Once your mother realizes that you’ve been busy enough to make your own decisions, you can talk about it. Thus, nothing else remains to her than to bridge it with rules and rules.
With education I don’t mean random people on the Internet asking you any opinion that suits you right now, my dear. I’m serious about it. Precisely “it was earlier but different” is a good argument. As long as your well-being and not your health is important, your mother should really give you rules that you need to judge. I just don’t know what makes sense for you. Because I don’t have this condition and I never had to learn. So listen to asking others and become active.
should I wear ffp2 mask? but just with a restricted lung function, breathing with ffp2 mask is very exhausting just in sports lessons. I didn’t have to wear masks before corona. I don’t think that makes sense. or do I see it wrong?
It has prevailed that most of the mask wears when they are strongly cold or have corona.This is voluntary,but as I find sensible.
I am not getting cold
That’s what you’re asking your pediatrician.. What did you do before 2019? No mask worn?
My brother-in-law has only one lung wing. It was also cautious in 2020-2022. Had 2x Covid-19 quite violent, and still alive.
before corona I did not have to wear masks
Is your parents not afraid of influenza and RS viruses? Kind of makes little sense…
You have your (unanimous) answers to your question.
I don’t know. my elders see this
There is no longer a mask obligation. If you don’t want to wear it, you don’t have to.
my mama says but she can decide as long as I am a minor
She can’t do that until you get to it.
You can’t do that.
but then there is annoying at home. I can no longer meet my friends, house arrest, no handy tv etc.
and my teachers also know it and are strict. they would tell my parents if I didn’t wear
Nope’s quash..
unfortunately I can’t decide
How many times do you want to ask? Take care of your parents.
Destroy the muzzle!
then I get a new ffp2 mask
It can also be broken 😁.
Sure. that’s going well for a long time without problems 😂
Yeah, I’ve got a advice: don’t roll so much.
look for you hobbies and friends please
The Council was already entitled. With your many same questions, you have the feeling that this is a fetish with you.
I think that’s great that my parents are divorced 👍
have you ever done with ffp2 mask sport?
because it annoys with the ffp2 to run around the whole school day and in sports classes
Why do you even ask?
believe as it goes to my parents with the divorce I have to do better
No, it doesn’t make sense.
and why?
Because your body cannot build up sufficient immune defense. I’m sure you’ve heard that before.
Stop, I just read that you’re a lung disease. So contact your doctor who will tell you what is necessary and what is not. This info would have heard the question, everything else is just a manipulative procedure on your part, so you can get certain answers.
Yes, it is. my parents demand mask because I am risk patient
Pure troll questioner of antivaxers and right-radical mask opponents.
clear that my parents are divorced as in the last question I have also thought out everything
You’re a lung disease.
Due mask protects you
but precisely because of my lung problems, breathing with ffp2 masks is so strenuous throughout the day and only quite in sport lessons
will you have given me masculine?