Maschinenbauingenieur Hochschule Studieren?
Hallo, ich will Maschinenbauingenieur gerne Studieren.
Ich habe die Wahl Zwischen Der Ausbildung Mechatroniker und Maschinen – Anlagenführer
wenn ich die Ausbildung abgeschlossen habe kann ich dann sofort anfangen mit dem Studium?
und welche Ausbildung wäre eher besser für das Studium? Braucht man besondere Noten am ende Der abschlussprüfung für das Studium?
Danke im Voraus
Can’t you go directly to (vocational) Gymnasium or at least professional college? (always in parallel with both apply. Plan B!)
If training, then industrial mechanic + FH maturity, so during which 3 years evening school or after 1 year full time.
Machines – and plant guide is a super simple two-year training.
Mechatronics is a completely different house number and clearly the better preparation for the Maschbau study.
Abi did you? Mathe-LK did you good? You have to do more maths in the first semester than in the entire upper semester;)
I only have the middle ripe I wanted to start a training and then at a college it would be not so important to me the time rather than at the end I would make it quite good and then you can also be accepted as a machine operator at the university?
Show me where you found that.
completed training with 3 years of professional experience without a subject
With a specialist plus training and professional experience, it should also be possible.
Isn’t that right?
No, you can’t study only with a training as a machine and plant leader. As I said, you need Abitur
You need at least the specialized training for your studies. After the training, you could get your professional training in one year and then study. You have MSA/Class10 now?
Yes I have the medium ripe
During training at the vocational school, you should consider extra hours for obtaining the qualification for the upper level, so you could prepare yourself very well for due FOS.
At the vocational school you can see very well whether you want to go further for school or qualify you professionally. Masters or technicians are also super advanced training