Martingalschieber lage?
Hallo, ich soll bei meiner RB ein martingal benutzen. Nun hab ich eine Frage, wo genau sollen die martingalschieber am Zügel sitzen? Ich hab unten mal zwei Bilder eingefügt von 2 Arten wie ich sie im Alltag positioniert sehe, was davon ist den das richtige?
It doesn’t matter, that’s why it’s sliders. Things merely have the function of ensuring that the rings of the Martingal do not intertwine in the cuffs.
So maybe I’m too stupid, but there’s no difference for me. The rings of the Martingal slide along the reins, just as the horse moves. You don’t fix them.
Hello, I also do not mean the rings, but this “wing” on both sides of the reins. We call the martingal slider…
Aaah okay. Thanks for the hint! As far as I know, they’re supposed to make sure the rings don’t get into the trench…
It doesn’t matter
the Martingal sliders belong directly in front of the bite buckle, not somewhere at the rein.
It reminds me that I’ve been trying to get the Martingal sliders off my reins forever. Since I don’t need Martingal as a non-spinker, they are superfluous,
The sliders are also movable. On some reins more free, on others less.
Therefore, the same strapping can be seen on both pictures: sliders in front of the rings of the Martingal. This is also the only correct method, because as Urlewas already wrote, they are supposed to prevent Martingal from “sliding” to the bite.
And, actually, shouldn’t the question ask, or do you take the reins off the bite to buckle up the Martingal?
Normally, the reins are opened at the back of the buckle and then the Martingal is wrapped and then the slide is always between Martingalring and Gebiss-Zügel junction.
If the slider is very tight, always make sure that it sits at the front of the bite, otherwise your rein will block.
the hot slides because you can push them.
in general, they are between martingal rings and bite rings.
on both pictures the martingal is too short. the parade is broken. the martingal is really strapped when the rings can be raised up to the height of the gaiter pit.
Please ask the owner how exactly you should use what equipment.