Hey, ich habe vor, zum ersten Mal Marmelade selbst zu machen und wollte fragen, ob ihr Tipps oder Rezepte habt, die ihr empfehlen könnt? Welche Früchte eignen sich besonders gut für Marmelade, und gibt es bestimmte Techniken oder Zutaten, auf die ich achten sollte? Bin gespannt auf eure Erfahrungen und Ratschläge.
Leave the bowls and cook them. In apples, for example, there are many natural binders in it that strengthen your jam. I’m not a fan of add-on jelly, but this is of course also a possibility.
When you cook the fruits, make sure that it is cooked everywhere and has no more solid pieces. It usually takes a while. Then in the sieve seven, so that coarse parts (for example, core housing and shells of apples or stems of berries) are filtered out and your jam is clear.
For example, strawberries, you can also leave the seventh if you want strawberry.
Half half of the fruit and sugar has always proved to me, is a bit sweet, but keeps almost forever.
Fill the jam hot and edged in the jars, so you avoid bacteria and viruses coming into the jam or putting it on mold. If you screw them directly and put them on your head, you’re safe.
It is always good to mix several fruits, e.g. currant and straw or raspberry. This also holds the acidity of the currants well in chess.
Hello Estella,
I make from strawberries, raspberries, blueberries,
grapes, apples and pears Marmelade.
I also do not take 50/50 sugars but mostly
mostly only35 – 40% sugar, that is, I agree
the taste when cooking off as I do
will have. To use the condone correctly
I hold Gelfix, so it is also guaranteed that no
mold formation is created.
One more tip: I like to use as flavour enhancers
“Himberen 15-20 %” also for strawberries. Gives a Super
Strawberry flavor.
Since I like to save breakfast with jam
I keep loving the body, sugar, important that tastes good.
Other additives also bourbon vanilla and rum or brandy
Have fun
opi venerable
Just cook, add gelling sugar, cook and eat.
It’s not a big witchcraft…
Just save your answer
That’s really serious – you don’t have to do more!
Don’t get so patty here, because the answer is correct.
Hey, first of all, the witchcraft was not meant to be evil at all, but simply to illustrate that it will definitely be something.
The question about the fruits didn’t come to me, I thought you already knew what a jam should be…
Hey, yeah, I know you’re the answer writer. I wrote this because I generally wanted to write jz to everyone. My problem was that you wrote. It’s not a big witchcraft, and that’s what my God sounds like. And also, you didn’t even answer my exact question. I didn’t ask how to do it, but for example what fruit I have to use and so on. But no matter what
I am the respondent;)
I still haven’t understood what your problem with my answer is…
No, it just found it patty by the answer writer so because of it no great witchcraft. What do you ask for good, ask for something like that sounded like that? I was bare
Marmelade can only consist of citrus fruits. Recipes are 100 times on the net.
That is no longer true with us – the EU has at least
Bavaria and Austria continue to allow as Marmelade
I prefer to use personal “fiture ” anyway.