Marktabholung bei Saturn zu Fuß?
ich möchte bei Saturn gerne einen 55″ Fernseher zu Fuß & mit dem Bus abholen, weil ich kein Auto hab. Eigentlich wären wir zu zweit gewesen aber die andere Person hat abgesagt, deshalb überlege ich es alleine zu machen.
Jetzt zur eigentlichen Frage: Ist das eine dumme Idee, hat das schon mal jemand gemacht? Gibt es von Saturn vielleicht so ein Tragegurt oder haben die Kartons gute Tragegriffe?
Vielleicht noch zur Info: Ich bin nicht sehr groß oder sehr Stark sondern durchschnittlich.
Laut Samsung Webseite soll die Verpackung folgende Daten haben:
Maße: 1409 x 844 x 177 mm
Gewicht: 28,0 kg
Klingt nicht erst mal spontan nicht so entspannt.
It is not possible, but if you write that you are not very strong, the 28kg will hose you quite. The path from the business to the bus stop and from the bus stop to your home.
If this is not very far you can do it, but you will get to feel the weight clearly.
I wouldn’t do it, even if I didn’t have such big problems with 28kg. The alternative would be to let you deliver the TV, that would be the best option if you didn’t have any other way to transport the device.
The carrying handles in the cartons are also not beneficial for a longer transport on foot and the weight will “cut” you into your fingers.
Yeah, right, way from business to bus stop is the biggest problem. From the bus to the apartment it is not far, max 20 meters and I have time.
I’ve already selected “collection in the market” and the device is already there, can I still deliver it, you know?
Normally, just call there and ask. On the same day you will not receive the device.
Thank you.
Take a cab.
First of all, 28 kg over a longer distance are quite heavy, and secondly, it can be that you don’t even get into the bus with the part.
Because the carton has no reasonable carrying handles, you will have to pull or push it unfavorably. In the end, you kind of break the panel and get too upset.
Ask another person or rent a car. Both better than your project.
Are you sure the boxes don’t have good carrying handles?
You’re probably right, I’m impatient and I’d like him to Today get him with someone else tomorrow.
Or take a taxi for the way back.
oh auch gute idee, daran hab ich noch nicht gedacht!
Aber frage beim Taxiruf vorher nach, ob sie Dich mit dem Riesenteil mitnehmen.
I’d advise you to do this alone. Although this carton has a handle cut on both sides, the carton is just so big that you can’t wear it alone. At least not a big distance. A transport scooter would be safe.
Good advice, thank you!
You cannot carry the part on your own (over a longer distance)
So it depends on how far you have to walk from Saturn to the bus and get home from the bus. If there are only 100m in between, you can carry 28kg on your own, but otherwise it will be quite exhausting. Can’t you have it delivered to you? And in the bus it will be critical because 55 inches will get into a bus already hard.
I think I’ll call Saturn and ask if they can’t deliver
Do it
Yes, someone can pick up too foot.
It’s not necessary for you to tell me what I can afford and what I can’t.
Nevertheless, of course, the rest are right and I have already written in another answer that I regret wanting to save 30€. Call Saturn later and ask if they can deliver. Otherwise, I’ll ask someone tomorrow to help me pick it up.
then it is unnecessary that you ask
mimimi 🙂
No chance
Ich verstehe Dich nicht ganz, – warum lässt Du den Fernseher nicht von Saturn liefern? – habe ich vor Jahren auch gemacht!
Cost 30€ and I didn’t know at the time of the order whether I would be home, meanwhile I regret it. Can you change that and let him deliver it?
Talk to Saturn, and if you’re not home on delivery, give a neighbor as a delivery address!
Was ist mit Miles? Auto mieten.
Don’t work.
Maybe you’ll get a taxi ride to the TV? By bus to and from the taxi to the front door.