Märklin waggon auf piko?
Ich habe märklin Waggons und habe aber piko Gleise muss ich auch bei Waggons die radsätze tauschen um sie zu benutzen
Ich habe märklin Waggons und habe aber piko Gleise muss ich auch bei Waggons die radsätze tauschen um sie zu benutzen
Ich habe am 12. Januar meinen Märklin TGV POS 37796 zur Reparatur gebracht und heute konnte ich ihn wieder holen. Aber bei der gesamten 2. Klasse des Zuges leuchtet die Innenbeleuchtung, sowie die Scheinwerfer bei der Lok nicht ich muss immer die Wagen zusammen drücken damit sie leuchten. Könnte dies ein Wackelkontakt sein? Ich habe…
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Hello Christian, the Wheels have to to be exchanged. Since Märklin_wheelsets are designed for the 3-wire system, Märklin manufactures them entirely from metal. This would shorten the tracks of 2-wire glacials, like Piko. Nothing left. Therefore, one-sidedly isolated wheel sets must be used. If the wagons have an illumination device, the current consumption must also be taken over by the grinder on both sides of the wheel.
The couplings of Piko, on the other hand, look very similar to those of Märklin. That could work. However, Piko does not have an advanced coupling function. The Märklin relex coupling has thus placed a cover over the hook, which is pressed up when coupled. The bows fall over cross on the hooks. If this is driven via an activated decoupler track, the stirrups lift and now fall onto these lids. A new connection cannot take place as long as the carriages are de-rotated. Only a short tightening during the parking of the car releases the function. Relex = Märklin patent. In almost all newer model vehicles, a clutch exchange is very simple, since the NEM coupling shafts are standardized. A more exemplary appearance is obtained with short couplings. The manufacturers offer their own solutions. Rebuild an entire fleet, but can cost some Euronen. I’d go on stage.
I hope I could help.
Yes, you need to swap the axles that cause Märklin wheels on Piko track a short circuit.
Try this.
Hello Christian755
There might be problems with the switches
Greetings HobbyTfz