mariniertes Hähnchen waschen?
klingt vllt dumm, aber möchte sichergehen. normales hähnchen wasche ich immer gründlich ab, bevor ichs brate. was ist mit hähnchen, welches bereits mariniert wurde. würde es sinn machen, dieses zu waschen? da würde doch die marinade abgehen oder nicht,?
The chicken comes into the oven at 180 to 200 degrees.
This does not survive 🙂
So you don’t need to wash down the marinade
No, of course it doesn’t make any sense.
That doesn’t make any sense either.
Generally, the meat is not washed off.
Of course you can’t wash marinated meat, because then the whole marinade goes off. Then you’d have to do one yourself, but then you could have bought an unmarried chicken, would have been cheaper.
Of course not wash off.
Exactly, then the marinade would leave.
Also fresh chicken should not be washed off, at most tap.
You would wash away the whole great marinade
Of course the marinade goes off and the taste loses, in the right preparation no germs or bacteria survive. So you can prepare the chicken without any doubt without washing the best.