Manuskript peinlich? Kennt ihr das?

Hi Leute, ich bin Carla(okay, der Name ist natürlich fake🙃)w 12. Ich schreibe jetzt schon länger an einer Geschichte und bin bei Teil 2 (Seite 321) meine Familie und Freunde wollen das halt lesen- ich sage dann immer: wenn es fertig ist. (Und es sind 1200 Seiten eingeplant also kann das noch dauern) Ich zweifle daran, dass ich es ihnen wirklich zeigen will- es sind ein paar Dinge dabei, die irgendwie, ich weiß auch nicht genau, irgendwie peinlich sind. Es ist eine Lovestory dabei, wie in vielen Fantasy Romanen, und ich hab keine Lust, dass die, die es halt lesen, so sagen: ,,Ohlala…Da beschreibt das jemand aber so, als hätte sie das selbst schon mal erlebt…” Und sowieso necken mich immer alle mit sowas, seit der fünften. Aber ich hab halt viele Bücher mit Lovestorys gelesen und mehr Erfahrung damit hab ich auch nicht. Und außerdem sind in meiner Geschichte emotionale Situationen, wie in jeder Geschichte halt. Aber es ist eben trotzdem peinlich. Kennt jemand sowas?Danke für alle Antworten🙃

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1 year ago

I know that – especially that it is not finished yet and I myself know that fine grinding is still needed. Background is sure that you have to face real criticism for the first time. If the person who reads this first doesn’t find it good? You put in so much work. As long as no one reads, there can be no criticism either.

On the other hand, feedback is important. 1200 pages is not a book but a book series. You write yourself, you’re at Part 2. Therefore, I advise you to give Part 1 the fine grinding so that it can really be read. Should be closed as your own book – even if it leaves questions open (part 2,…) And that part you can show someone.

But the question remains, who? Near acquaintances could recognize themselves and might not get away well. Love scenes (or sex scenes!) can be coined on you. Therefore, it would be good if the person had some distance, but you can really trust her. Best a person who never stepped, never talks badly about another person (except maybe if you have to warn before). So they’re sure to tell you their opinion on the book. And it should generally be more encouraging, but also be able to give constructive criticism (not all that anyone does just find great).

Such a person is very rare. But you can keep your eyes open. If you find someone like that, you’re lucky. Then ask the person if she wants to read this (and she should be willing to say not only from courtesy yes)

I have already printed my work (good 500 pages) and given someone. But was still a little early, a last reef was still missing – and it wasn’t the right person (the book was taken from courtesy only).

Earlier or later you have to show it to someone (why pity if you were the only person who ever reads it). You always find the excuse that it’s not done yet – but that’s just an excuse. Actually, it’s fear of appreciation. But you already formulated that. But maybe you’ll find someone you’re not afraid of.

One way for a first feedback would be to set a short text passage (maximum half page I would say) on good question. Then you get feedback on your writing style – and since you are anonymous, it cannot fall back on you. Positive feedback will encourage you to improve critical voices of your style. Trolle with rather malignant comments can always exist, but this happens here less often – and if, then it doesn’t matter, here nobody knows who you are.

1 year ago

At your age, I was embarrassed. I wrote with 15 a novel where the protagonists had sex and found it totally cool when I wrote it. Just one day later, I became red myself when I read it again. When I had sex with 17 the first times, and read my story again, I started laughing hard. I had imagined the sex with 15 more oddly and rewritten the whole story again. It was just too unrealistic and childish.

In the end no one thinks that the author has experienced what he writes in the book. I’ve also written about war, murder, death and rape, and I’ve never seen or done anything about it. If only they would write what they did. Become a serial killer, so you can write about it… would be a bit violent…

Just write what’s at your heart. You don’t have to be embarrassed. But you don’t have to give it to anyone if you don’t want to.
It’s bad if you have to keep a reading. I’m an author and I’m publishing my books too. At a reading I have to read how sensual and exciting the kisses and touches are blabla… I also often think: “Oh God… read it myself I don’t want to read it!” But I have to. But it’s always a funny feeling. (But I have to confess that I haven’t had many readings yet, since I have only published 1 book. Volume 2 is almost finished and can be published in January)

1 year ago
Reply to  Silberfeder972

If only they would write what they did for themselves. Become a serial killer, so you can write about it… would be a bit violent…

It gets even better with Fantasy…

1 year ago
Reply to  D3rBaecka

Fantasy can be anything and have any shape. That’s the nice thing about fantasy and you don’t have to research. Unless you might want to write Urbanfantasy. The father of one of my protagonists was a pathologist. Then I had to deal with it a little and watched videos from Dr.Tsokos, even though the rest included absolute fantasy.

1 year ago
Reply to  Silberfeder972

If only they would write what they have done themselves, they would be violent.

Thomas Harris actually conducted interviews with people from the FBI and real murderers before he wrote the silence of the lambs.

1 year ago
Reply to  ruhrgur

You always have to research. How do you want to write a sex scene if you’ve never seen anything like that? It’s not the same as what I meant. 😅

1 year ago

So I have written a long time (I would still do if I weren’t lacking creativity and time) and I never showed my parents any of it. Once my mother was allowed to read a chapter and that’s it. At that time, however, I only wrote about fanfictions, so I also had good excuses why no one from my family should read it. My little sister has always been in my room.

However, I have hardly any person I know in general what shows. It’s because I don’t want to explain any of this if someone’s parallels occur.

That was so unpleasant when my teacher and then the whole course were going to convince me what to read…

Have great respect for the people who can read their stories from their family etc. This can be quite advantageous because you get a feedback immediately, but it is not always objective and if you have to overcome yourself in this way…

1 year ago

jaa omg I feel so with you. I also write layers, and last time I draw many own mangas. I draw lovestorys. (of course not with s**!)- all my friends say that it looks very good and cool but my parents do not dare to show me because it comes over before them somehow cringe… even if I’m really proud of it and don’t find anything like that. My layers that I write- to part action and so- have always lovestorys in it, so I never let them read my parents. Believe that’s just because the elders always have stupid commentaries, don’t know what you said or “Do you have a friend?” – “How do you know that?” blablabla… didn’t listen to me 🙄. Maybe I’ll let her read it sometime when I’m jack and ready to do it. you have to decide for yourself whether you want to show it to your parents or you could ask them before not to say any stupid commentary, but just to pay attention to the story.

1 year ago

My boss even read a book from me. The own books are close to you, they are part of and I understand this feeling very well. You show yourself a way that someone may not know and may make you vulnerable. Finally, the question is whether this is going to lead them and you want that.

If it’s the wrong people that raise you rather than support you, I’d just leave it and say no. It’s private.

For example, I wrote a dystopie and a utopia. Of course I wasn’t there. So you can explain this in your case. You can think what they want, although it’s even good if it looks real, then you can write very well and the text is authentic! Although you have no experience. Is it cool?

1 year ago

Hey, I know that relatively well Unfortunately, I never swore to show them, although it would be better!! Otherwise they think you’ll write something else (do you understand what I mean?)

1 year ago

Yes, I can fully understand. I feel the same.