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4 years ago

This is a very badly colored female

4 years ago
Reply to  Sylvia1997

Even young SBB show beautiful strong colors when they really feel comfortable and agree on living conditions.

I assume that your water for these fish is not sufficiently soft and sour. These fish have hardly any immune system, so they need a top hygienic clean aquarium/water. It doesn’t look like it on your pictures.

There is hardly any ornamental fish that is more difficult to cultivate than the SBB – so be not sad if he dies after a short time. But then choose other fish…

4 years ago

If it’s gone well, I wouldn’t change. Soil ground exchange often leads to problems until the pelvis runs properly again.

4 years ago

I say yes, I don’t have to, but I can. If you have the choice before, it is always better to avoid this unnecessary risk.

4 years ago

The ground floor also doesn’t look sparingly friendly. It doesn’t have to, but there can be bartel injuries, which are then an infestation for pathogens. Often you can see severely damaged or barely existing beards on sick armored catfish. They are not cut off from the sharp-edged ground floor, but the ground floor only leads to tiny injuries. The actual damage is then caused by bak animals that penetrate through the tiny injuries and destroy the tissue.

4 years ago

I’ll join dsupper. That’s a female that’s bad in color.

Butterfly bunts are only very limited for social pools because of the very high demand they place on the water quality (soft, sour, as germ-poor as possible). The water in its biotopes of origin is almost completely free of hardness and is acidic by the addition of humic acids and the like. In addition, these are rivers in the rainforest, which transport very clean fresh water permament in large quantities and remove pollutants. Under these conditions, pathogenic germs can virtually not hold. There, because of the saved energy, it is an evolutionary advantage to largely dispense with an immune system. Our Central European tap water is almost always at least medium. It always has enough carbonate hardness to stabilize the PH value above 7, because acidic water is freezing the lines. This water offers germs better living conditions. The usual occupancy in the social pool loads the water and promotes germination. For butterflies, this means that they are very noticeable often only a few weeks after insertion become ill and die. Of course, that doesn’t tell a salesman, otherwise he would stay on his goods.

More robust alternatives are, for example, microgeophagus altispinosus, Nannacara anomala or Laetacara curviceps.

4 years ago
