Mann meckert aus nichtigen Gründen und entschuldigt sich nur beiden Kindern?
Gestern gab es, wie jedes Jahr an Heiligabend, zum Frühstück, zum Mittagessen und zum Abendessen Lachsbrötchen. Mein Mann und unser Sohn wollten mit Zwiebeln und ich mit Eier und Remoulade. Unsere Tochter mag das nicht. Beim Essen sind meinem Mann dauernd die Zwiebeln vom Brötchen gefallen bis es ihm gereicht hat und er das Brötchen durch die Gegend geworfen hat. Er hat es aber selber wieder aufgehoben und meinte: ” Entschuldigung dafür.” Als ich sagte: “ist schon ok.”, erwiderte er: “Du bist nicht gemeint, ich meinte die Kinder.” Findet ihr das in Ordnung?
No, that’s not o.k.
Not that he is so uncontrollable and throws food through the area at anger and not at all, that he does not apologise to his wife and signals to the children that you are the last dirt that you do not even have to apologize for bad behavior.
Congratulations on this man’s splendour.
I think this is the moment you should take the time as a couple to talk about what really is going on. I mean, a few onions falling from the bun are neither for throwing around the bun, nor for this reaction somehow a suitable cause and reaction.
If it was the Christmas stress, consider how to reduce it in the future. If it is a fundamental thing, then these causes will be dealt with! However, what is very little, because this does not change: pick up confirmation on the Internet from strangers.
I’d be angry if there’s the same food all day. At least at midday you could eat something else because of your daughter. Whoever throws food through the area as a father and then answers inappropriately has a problem.
My husband wanted the food. His parents always did. If I were to go to our daughter, there would be hardly anything because she likes almost nothing, not even Pommes
It’s a bad example because you don’t throw food through the room.
If I had to eat salmon rolls three times a day, I’d be mad.
Take it.
He doesn’t have to, it’s his wish. He knows it from home
No, I would have packed his suitcases this morning and put them in the door…
You mean it’s okay? I’m sure it’s not okay why you let that happen
Kindergarten sorry