Manchmal Husten nach dem Lachen?
Hey nach dem lachen muss ich manchmal Husten, oder wenn ich schwere Sachen trage und dabei die Treppen hoch und runter laufe muss ich auch Husten und hab das gefühl nicht richtig durchatmen zu können. Das hab ich seit dem ich im Oktober richtig erkältet war. Woher kommt das können das noch spät folgen von der Erkältung sein?
Genoa, I have the problem too.
I was already with the doctor and would recommend that. With me, however, he only noticed that beside the cough, my sinuses were still to be found, which is not quite helpful.
It is noticeable that in my social environment there are several such things that were also sick about time or earlier and all now have so light coughs and in many the doc didn’t know that exactly.
But maybe it’s just gonna have to be a clever cough juice (because I haven’t taken it yet)
Waa says all– some stop
Hello..that can actually be a dragged flu .The lung will probably suffer damage, please go to the doctor’s office and explain otherwise go to a lung specialist .
Good improvement
LG Sky. 🌈