Manchmal gleich geoße Pupillen und manchmal nicht?

Habe das vor ungefähr 5 Wochen entdeckt.Seitdem habe ich meistens wenn meine Pupillen größer sind wegen z.b.weniger Licht,häufiger einen leichten bis mittelleichten Unterschied der Größe.Wenn ich drauf oder im Licht bin und die Pupillen kleiner sind,ist der Unterschied garnicht da oder kaum zu sehen

Meine Pupillen reagieren bei gleich schnell und zuverlässig auf Licht

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8 months ago

This is normal and happens automatically, as the pupil changes depending on the brightness, the darker the larger, the lighter the smaller. This process is important since it controls how much light reaches the light-sensitive retina.


8 months ago
Reply to  Finnsko288

Your text is unclear anyway, sorry.

8 months ago

Your spelling is catastrophic, right it would be so hot: In some situations my pupils are just a little unequal.

Don’t mean bad, just a hint.


8 months ago

I’ve read your text again now and I’m still not going on if you want a smart answer, you need to re-form it. LG

8 months ago

This is harmless

Your pupils react quickly and reliably to light, so you probably have a physiological anisocoria. 👀

The difference in pupil size can only be seen with weak light, which also speaks for a physiological anisocoria. 👀

Because you’ve been testing the condition for 5 weeks and don’t have any other symptoms, it’s probably harmless. 😊

8 months ago

Is as far as I know completely harmless. I noticed this for the first time at my own primary school, because the pupils are very different under certain light incidents. If you do not notice any stronger light sensitivity, everything is good:)

8 months ago

That means anisocorice. It is usually harmless (20% of healthy people have it). In some cases, it indicates disease. There are two main diseases:

  • Horner Syndrome. With this disease you get a small pupil (you better see in the dark), and on the same side ptosis (hanging eyelid). It can have many possible causes.
  • Oculomotorius nerve compression. With this disease you get a large pupil (you better see in the light), and on the same side scoops (the pupil softens down and outside). It is caused by mechanical pressure (e.g. tumor or aneurysm).

So, if you don’t have a ptosis or shilling, it’s probably harmless.