Manche Schwimmbäder haben Frauen das Schwimmen ohne Oberteil erlaubt – würdet ihr das Angebot nutzen?

Ich habe letztens einen Artikel gelesen, in der eine Dame aus Köln, wo das unter anderem erlaubt wurde, der Ansicht war, das würde deswegen kaum benutzt werden, weil es niemand wüsste. Ich selber dachte mir: das wird deswegen kaum benutzt weil die meisten es einfach nicht wollen.

Darum meine Frage: würdet ihr es nutzen, sofern es euch bekannt wäre?

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1 year ago


I always bathe without tops, but mostly in the lake or by the river. But I do it in the indoor swimming pool, and no one has been upset about it. But I also have a very small size.

This is why I had an unpleasant experience when two guys made clear gestures, which was very quickly clarified by the bathmaster….

If boys are allowed to be up without, we can do it too. But find also a sign at the entrance would be net verkehrt🙂

All Love Sherina

1 year ago

I say, as a man, that I can’t recommend it, that women should use such an offer.

Everyone decides, but I guess.

1 year ago

So whoever wants it can use it. I’m not swimming often anyway. But if there is the offer, there will certainly be those who use it. Otherwise there wouldn’t be the offer.

1 year ago

With us it is not allowed and this year still saw 3 women (50+) without top at the lake. With you it is allowed and no one does. Do not think that there are many (even the feminists who have used for it, although they do not want to use it) and the few like this go to nudist beaches. The last ones do it illegally elsewhere.

1 year ago

Is the private thing of the ladies, whether they use the offer od .

1 year ago

I don’t think so. But possibly also depended on the size of my breasts and whether I even went to the swimming pool.

(Incidentally funny that probably mainly men voted. lol)

1 year ago

I have already used