Man muss unten durch wenn man hoch hinaus will, oder?
Man muss dreck fressen, man muss leiden, man muss verzichten, man muss schuften wenn man eines Tages Karriere machen will, und Wohlstand erreichen will oder?
Und ein eigenes schönes Haus leisten, und alles, und finanzielle Stabilität.
Wenn man das wirklich will, muss man zuerst richtig unten durch, oder? Und oft Dinge machen die man hasst, aber sich langfristig auszahlen, richtig?
No. I’m up without being through.
How’s that going? You have to give up financially to save money etc. And then you have to do a hard job of 80 hours.
No, I told you before, family, property, two cars. We have an income and I work 38.5 hours. Overtime not desired.
I have never renounced, more than 40 hours a week I never had to work permanently.
You want to make a career. Why do you just have an auxiliary job?
Why do you think if you work normally you can afford a lot of luxury? With a simple help job? No.
It’s already amusing how you always contradict yourself.
Yes, but not everyone has this luck, some come from the bottom, they have to work hard to get out of there.
No, it’s just that you find people who are ready to eat dirt in the hope of getting out of there sometime. The uppers laugh in the little house.
What no? How do you want to get out of poverty if not through hard work?
Have you ever heard the term narrative?
That’s not true
You have to give up financially to save money etc. And then you have to do a hard job of 80 hours.
With a good training you have your dream job and earn good money
Okay, if you mean
Nope, training remuneration is usually less than 1000 euros a month, that is too little to really live.
Ergo, either financial support or work.
I can tell you from experience that 40 hours are enough
No, not if you want to make enough money. The apprenticeship wage is not enough to live from it, e.g.
That’s not always true. 40 hours a week working is complete
then you have to wash 60 hours or work more. That’s pretty hard for 3-4 years.
That’s what I mean, you’ve got to go through the bottom for the first time and you’re gonna have to work for time.
No problem
Yes, but as an adult to be able to finance training you need to work in addition.