Guten Abend, ich habe mal eine Frage an euch. Vielleicht können wir da ein oder andere helfen
Ich bin fast fast zwölf Monaten Mama geworden und bin zwei Jahre in Elternzeit. Nach diesen zwei Jahren möchte ich normalerweise gerne in meinen Job wieder zurück. Ich bin gelernte Altenpflegehelferin
Allerdings ist es jetzt schwierig, mit einem Kind wieder als Altenpflegehelfererin zu arbeiten (Schichten, die Arbeitszeiten usw)
Wisst ihr vielleicht, ob man in der Altenpflege auch „nur“ von zb. 8-14 Uhr arbeiten kann von MO-FR?
Ich habe auch überlegt, den BetreuungSchein zu machen und dann dort zu arbeiten als Beteuungskraft wo kann man überall als Betreuungskraft arbeiten?
Oder habt ihr Ideen wo man am besten arbeiten kann als „Mama“
Dankeschön im Voraus🫶🏽
You can also work with the outpatient psychiatric care.
You drive to the clients home, accompany them at appointments, help them achieve goals, supported in crises. These are mental sick (sometimes also geriatric), but without the physical aspects of old care.
If you could imagine.
Otherwise you can actually work in the psychiatry.
My caregiver is also old care, and then eventually worked in the psychiatry and is now at the APP.
There are nursing homes that offer “mama services”. The times are then specially designed for mothers. You’ve got to get in touch with your nursing homes. Of course, not all of them offer. You have to look a little.
So I don’t know, except that you’re going to all kinds of places and ask. You’re looking for a 50% employment, you can write it into such an initiative application.
You can work everywhere as a caregiver, until you get self-employed. You are used by nursing members who can adjust a care force and at least approx. 120 euros a month then get to ask for any coleur at care stations.
For what you want, self-sufficient dating base would not be the worst, because there are enough families who care for old parents and who are sure to look for someone in the morning. We took care to ensure that Polish nursing staff get their free time. There you are always in different families because hardly one can afford a half-day support.
A training in the childcare sector, keyword school guidance, kindergarten guidance would also be a direction you can think about. You shouldn’t have to do so much about appearances and training, as old care may be recognized in part. I know too little. I see this as a possibility.