Mama will, dass ich feiern gehe?

Hi ich bin 16 Jahre alt und bin erst seit bissl mehr als 3 Wochen single (fast 2 Jahre Beziehung). Ich gehe 5 Mal die Woche trainieren und treffe im Prinzip jede Woche einen Freund im Gym und habe eh normale Kontakt mit anderen. Meine Mutter redet mir jedoch die ganze Zeit ein, wann ich mich doch mit meinen Freunden treffe tue und wir halt feiern gehen. Ich bin kein Feind vom trinken und gehe eh bald auf einen Ball, hasse es aber das meine Mutter mir die ganze Zeit sowas sagt.

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2 years ago

She doesn’t mean bad. If she hadn’t let you go, it would be wrong again. Take this easy and get out or not. Your decision.

2 years ago

Maybe she needs some sexytime with nem man on her side and wants you out of the apartment / house.

Maybe it’s not in your head that people are even longer single.

Dude just ask her.. 😫😫

2 years ago
Reply to  Night2006

Basirend on your previous question, I read that you should experience with similar what, it is probably the desire of her that you are popular, attractive, successful, embodied a certain form of masculinity in adult age, and she believes in which you come among the people all this happens. She might be out of herself because she was like that and she thinks it’s normal. But times have changed. We live in a digitized world. Other factors play a role in becoming someone to be relevant at your age to peers. Think about why so many young people are mentally ill – because society has changed.

Yeah, ask what’s behind it.