Mama verheimlicht Bußgeldbescheid und mir wird der Führerschein entzogen. Was soll ich tun?

Mein Bruder wurde geblitzt aber es wurde gegen mich ein Bußgeldbescheid eingeleitet..

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2 years ago

So in principle, the owner pays the bus money first. He can say “Don’t drive, I don’t know who’s been driving. Then the authority determines the driver. If now both say “the other is driven” in a twin pair, the thing will probably go in the sand, but you can create a travel book for the future, which is very annoying for all.

You can only take your driver’s license if you can be clearly identified by the flasher photo.

2 years ago
Reply to  Minijobopa

So in principle, the owner pays the bus money first.

That’s something wrong. In Germany there is no holder liability, you should know that as an expert. The only exception is parking violations in which the holder can impose the costs of the procedure (but not the fine) if no driver can be determined.

2 years ago

Mama hides fine decision

what can’t be right, who is holder of the car?

My brother was blitzed but a fine decision was taken against me.

But you can object. Consider where you were at the time when the witness can confirm, you’re pretty good cards.

your car, brother stole your car? or were you in the car

He was buzzed when he was flashed.

so fast he can’t react

2 years ago
Reply to  peterobm

When you look at the two current questions, you inevitably think about how high the truth content may be…

2 years ago

If it’s clear that you weren’t, you can appeal and call the one who drove the car.

2 years ago

You can act against them. Even in the case of a fine decision, the authority must personally prove to you the violation which is impossible on the basis of your description.

2 years ago
Reply to  Interesierter

according to his own statement, the FS was asked if he was driving, probably he said yes…

2 years ago

There’s nothing in the question.

2 years ago

You’re right.

Those who want good answers should ask precise questions.

2 years ago

I’m just doing something extremely spanish, which is the case now…

2 years ago

I answer a specific question.

I do not begin to investigate which statements in question might be incorrect or incomplete.

2 years ago

sorry, no one forbids you to look at the other questions…

If you still consider the time interval between these two (last) questions, you simply assume that something cannot vote here anyway.

2 years ago

If you said your brother’s gone, it’s okay. You’ll see on the picture that you weren’t.

2 years ago

Pronounce the fine order in due time.

2 years ago

You should take care of your post. Then something can’t happen.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gutermann545

There’s a chance.

2 years ago
Reply to  MaryLynn87

Mothers do not give up – even their post-highness – so easily.

2 years ago

Right, and then I wonder where the FS sees his problem…

2 years ago

Well, it’s okay if she said she didn’t drive.

2 years ago

The car is admitted to the mother, so it inevitably gets the letter…

2 years ago

If you let your brother – who doesn’t have a driving license – you can’t really help you anymore…

2 years ago

We don’t know if he let him go or if he just took the key.

2 years ago
Reply to  Amalia95

Anyway, he was asked if he was driving… Then why he didn’t tell the truth, maybe his problem…

2 years ago

also with such a photo you should be able to recognize a driver.

2 years ago

Meanwhile, the FS writes that he had said his brother had been driving…

2 years ago

I know these letters and therefore I can only say that in the letter which his mother has concealed him so far, it is always asked if one was the driver. So it was probably a witness question, ’cause the face didn’t seem so much to see?

I don’t know, but that’s how I could imagine the question.

2 years ago

I sign your last sentence…

My brother drove and I was asked if I drove.

But after this statement he doesn’t need to blame his mother, he was asked…

2 years ago

Because obviously the mother never showed him the letter today.

If the whole story is true at all.

2 years ago

Then why didn’t you get a letter?