Malossi Sport 70ccm Zylinder problem?

Hallo, ich habe mir einen neuen Zylinder für meine Speedfight 3 lc gekauft, es ist der malossi sport geworden. Nun habe ich das Problem das er beim starten dauerhaft Kühlwasser verbrennt. Man kommt ungefähr 700 meter dann wird auf dem tacho 4 balken hitze angezeigt. Nun ja ich weiß zurzeit nicht woran es liegt da ich mir extra schon einen neuen dichtsatz bestellt habe und diese sitzt zu 100% richtig am Zylinderkopf. Wenn einer von euch weiß woran es liegen könnte wäre das echt toll!.

Standard war eine 56 hd drinne diese habe ich nun mit einer 70 ausgetauscht. Außerdem sind die membranblättchen mit der mitgelieferten ausgetauscht worden.

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4 years ago

Hello SoftairGuid,

I had the same problem a few weeks ago that my scooter was at the maximum temperature after just one minute. It can be that your cooling circuit is not or is not properly vented. Check the following points:

  1. Make sure enough cooler water is in the cooler water tank
  2. See if all hoses sit properly and no water escapes
  3. vent the hoses by releasing at the ends of the connections, until only water (without air bubbles) comes, always take care of the enough water in the cooler water tank
  4. Turn the roller briefly (approximately 30 seconds are sufficient, then turn off) and briefly open the screw at the top point of the cooler connection at the cylinder until water without air bubbles comes out.

Now your cooling circuit would have to be vented if all points were followed.

If the problem still persists, check the following:

  1. Does the water pump work?
  2. Is the thermostat defective?

If the thermostat (which sits under the radiator connection on the cylinder) does not open properly, then the radiator water only passes through the small and not the complete cooling circuit, which serves only to bring the roller to the operating temperature as soon as possible after starting. Follow > the water does not pass to the cooler at the front under the panel and the roller overheated.

Best regards


4 years ago
Reply to  SoftairGuid

To detect whether the water pump is defective, it must be removed and connected to a battery.