Malen anstatt arbeiten?
Ich habe eine geistige behinderung und kann dahher nicht normal arbeiten gehen. Man sagt zu mir ich soll malen, bilder malen. Aber manchmal habe ich keine lust.Ich will nicht das kindergartenkind sein das mandala malen muss. Habt ihr eine andere idee?
what do you like to do and what have you already tried on jobs etc?
I have already heard of some disabled cafes or business/firms etc. I don’t like the name, but it’s a good thing.
You can’t judge it from outside. It always depends on the disability and the following limitations. Theoretically (and depending on the practical) a normal job is also possible. What annoys me is that as I can, many employers simply refuse. Probably out of unsafe and certainly also prejudices
All the best
In Switzerland, at least in the canton of Zurich, people with disabilities can work in supervised workshops. What is exactly the work is very different. However, it is very often works that make a great deal of use. I have already experienced this at a gardener, a restaurant shop and workshops where Christmas decorations were made, for example. Even when packaging shipping material, I already heard that.
As far as I can judge, the mood in these workshops was always very pleasant. People do a sensible job and you give them enough time to do the job well.
Why mandalas. That’s perfect.
Look for a motive you like and paint.
For work there are disabled people and companies who also employ mentally handicapped persons.
Male abstract art. Or act best together.
Study design. You don’t need mandalas
I studied art
Then do something.