Make-up in hand luggage? (Airport)
Can I have make-up in my hand luggage? So eyeliner, powder, lipstick, eye shadow, just no mascara. And do I have to show ALL my items, including make-up, in my hand luggage? Or only if I have liquids with me?
Can I have make-up in my hand luggage? So eyeliner, powder, lipstick, eye shadow, just no mascara. And do I have to show ALL my items, including make-up, in my hand luggage? Or only if I have liquids with me?
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Ich fliege am 24. Dezember mit Austrian Airlines von Stuttgart nach Wien in der Economy-Klasse. Ich weiß, dass ich ein Handgepäckstück und eine zusätzliche persönliche Tasche mitnehmen darf, die unter den Sitz vor mir passen muss. Kann mir jemand die maximalen Maße für diese persönliche Tasche nennen, damit ich sicherstellen kann, dass sie den Vorgaben…
You may have Maskara. This is not really liquid and, secondly, in a suitable container, cleaning water, which can be at most in a 100 ml container and belongs in such a zip bag. Nail scissors and file must not be shown with 🙂 liquids in general. If they don’t like what they see, they’ll tell you.
I’ve always got a problem with perfume 🙂
you only have to do it in liquids. You transport them anyway in a transparent bag and put them on the tape of the X-ray device. If it is not liquid, leave it packed in the hand luggage. You only have to unpack this on request (if you cannot recognize it, for example).
So you don’t need it anyway
does this scan device therefore only detect fluids and pointed objects??
Nene, who recognize quite everything;)
Most of the time you see the monitor when you wait for his stuff after scanning, you will see a lot of great colors and usually recognize what people have so in their luggage ^^^
you have to put in a plastic bag with zip. size = 1 liter and individually, as well as a laptop. you can leave everything else in your hand luggage.
So long the vessels/packs are not larger than 100 mml. It must be all in a 1 liter zip-hole bag and one must carry a total of 1 liter or only 1 liter bag.
My of course 100ml
yes, except