Major bei der Bundeswehr mit 31?
Ich(26)habe letztens einen echt Charmanten Man(31) kennengelernt er hatte mir ganz stolz erzählt das er Major bei der Bundeswehr ist.
Da ich mit der Bundeswehr absolut nichts zutuen habe habe ich rein aus Interesse mal im Internet gesucht und habe rausgelesen das man mindestens 8 Jahre Lt. Sein muss um überhaupt diesem Dienstgrad zubekommen. Die Rechnung geht im meinem Kopf nicht ganz auf.
Meine Frage ist jetzt ob das überhaupt möglich ist.
The promotion to the Major is after successful participation in a staff official course and after a service period of nine years since appointment as a lieutenant.
If he started his service with 18 or 19 it could work out.
When I stripped my basic military service, my former company manager was also Major and about the same age.
If you enter the Bundeswehr with a master or doctor (and, if necessary, relevant professional experience), you can, in my knowledge, become a major or even a colonist directly after the basic training.
That would be completely plausible. I don’t know how classic it is.
Of course, this is possible if it is now, but you will not know.
§ 25 – Soldier Railway Regulation (SLV)
The training as an officer lasts at least three years.
Thus it would theoretically be possible that it is quite fresh staff officer.
I 30 can confirm that it is possible
You can become Lieutenant after 3 years. So it could fit.