Mainz-Cologne shipping time?
How long does it take to send a letter from Mainz to Cologne
How long does it take to send a letter from Mainz to Cologne
I (13) would like to take a short trip with my best friend (soon to be 14). I live in Bavaria, on the border with Austria, so in the east. It takes me 1.5 hours to get to Linz and 2 hours to get to Munich. I actually want to stay in a hotel for…
How much would it cost to ship a car from England to Germany? This isn't an import in the sense of a foreign car; the car is German and still registered in Germany; it's purely a matter of transport costs.
Why do people say that Germany humiliated France?
I ordered goods with a total value of less than €150. Import sales tax was already included and paid at the time of purchase in the online shop. I authorized DHL to clear customs early enough, and suddenly it says "exception," but what does that mean? Are documents missing from the seller? What do I…
If I order an item by 6 a.m., it will arrive tomorrow. After 6 a.m., it says if I order within five hours, it will arrive tomorrow.
1 Tag bis 53 Jahre, alles ist drin.
genauso lange, wie einer von Hamburg nach München.
idR 1 Werktag, in seltenen Fällen 2 Werktage und manchmal kommen sie gar nicht an.