Mahnschreiben, Geld nie überwiesen?

Hey Leute

Ich habe vor ein oder zwei Monaten

Bei edofuton eine Bestellung aufgegeben.

Betrag ca 240€ Habe noch kein Geld überwiesen, es heißt die Bestellung wird erst nach Zahlungseingang weiter bearbeitet.

So. Jetzt habe ich ein Mahnschreiben erhalten, per Mail mit der bitte den Betrag bis zum 22.04.24 zu überweisen.

Wenn ich das nicht tue würde es weitere Folgen haben z.B weitere Mahngebühren und Verzugszinsen.

Da ich momentan Zahlungsunfähig bin, gab ich zur Antwort dass ich die Bestellung gerne stornieren würde aufgrund von Zahlubgsunfähigkeit.

Leider habe ich die Trustpilot Bewertungen zu spät gelesen und bereue es schon jetzt meine Zeit mit diesem “unternehmen” verschwendet zu haben.

Vielleicht ist hier ein Jurist, oder jemand der sich einfach gut in diesem Themenbereich auskennt unterwegs, welcher mir eine antwort auf diese Frage geben Kann


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11 months ago

You have concluded an effective purchase agreement from which the payment is due.

Actually, it should be possible to revoke the contract – a withdrawal in text form should you have received; that’s what you’re going to do.

11 months ago
Reply to  RobertLiebling

This usually goes only within the first 14 days and not after four to eight weeks

11 months ago
Reply to  HikoKuraiko

After the right of withdrawal is there to be able to check the goods, it begins at the earliest with access to the goods.

Services are on a different sheet.

11 months ago

If prepayment is agreed in the purchase agreement, you are currently also obliged to pay money. Because you have not yet signaled the seller that you do not want the ordered goods. And as long as you don’t, the seller can also ask you for the money.

So you have to revoke the purchase quickly and in writing. You can still do that, fortunately, because you haven’t received the goods yet and the withdrawal period only runs. You can also revoke by email. It is then recommended that you request a receipt (MDN). Because then you can also prove that the seller has received your revocation. In the revocation email, no reasons have to be found, so if you write clearly “I hereby revoke the purchase agreement on xxx concluded on xx.xx.2024.”

11 months ago

If this is a long-distance drop and the right of withdrawal is not restricted or even closed, contract revoked.

11 months ago

Online Shopping is not a computer game.

You bought something in advance and didn’t pay, completely right that you now demanded the money.

For a revocation, the time has long been over.

11 months ago
Reply to  Phantom12345

The withdrawal period begins to run at the earliest with receipt of the goods.

11 months ago

Nevertheless, you have an effective purchase contract, so prepayment has been made. yet you have a 14-day right of return, everything is in the AGB

11 months ago
Reply to  Pikaa757

is correct, yet there is an effective purchase agreement.