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But it depends on what. Must I eat exclusively on sausages. Otherwise also a teaspoon in the salad sauce.
I like mustard, especially when I eat sandwiches.
No, I like Senf nd soo super.😅🤗
LG Maike
tssap nesse muz snnew uz dnu ba theg fneS
uz rid hci emmits ad
fens nedlim hcau redo nefrahcslettim se tbig rehad ,tsi frahcs uz nenhi re ad fnes negöm etuel eleiv thcin aj,agem
nedargpu nessE sad tug githcir fneS tim nnak bualg hci , nebE
No, I don’t like the taste. It tastes sour for me.
Sauer makes fun
Then try sweet mustard.
If there’s a sauce I can’t suffer, it’s mustard.
Actually, yes, but all the mustards offered do not convince me.
But I only use it when I cook mustard sauce or as an ingredient in minced meat, for meatballs. I don’t need a must.
No, I don’t like the taste.
Yes, I have a lot of mustards and I often need them.
I also like to eat mustard
I like to eat mustard. Especially garlic mustard I find great.
Oh yes, even very happy!
but only the really sharp DÃ1⁄4sseldorfer Löwensenf extra sharp!!!
that gives every Viennese sausage a great ” Schärfekick “;-)
No fan of it
That’s it, but only in very small quantities, because I don’t contract mustard oils. Makes bad belly pain.
on frying bands, for example on fries not so much
Mustard tastes unique and good for me.
I like it.
I don’t like mustard.
and Turkish must
Tzz tzz.
I thought ^
Abba not ALL!
I thought about Turkish foods already ^^^^^^^^^^
Not everything. I’m not an all-eater. ^^
I thought you tasted everything from Turkey ^^
What is a bur sausage, a cheese-cracker, without sweet mustard? Some also like the sharp toller.
I’ve even made the effort to make myself.
Cheese claw with sweet mustard? I don’t know yet.
Viennese sausage stand…
Even at 2°° in the morning, you get to Wr. sausage stands always optimal quality.Q
I don’t know anything about mid-sharf. 🥲
Menno, now I have a total appetite for it, but a fat sinusitis and no taste.
I don’t like mustard.
I like mustard, e.g.
but not on Pommes.
High-quality mustard, yes!
So from a mustard mill and not from a chemical factory!
I’ve already made it local, with the purchase and further processing of Snfsaat in the village,
Especially for sausage or bulettes, but I also use it for roasting for all meat types. :-
To Vienna