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From time to time, I like to eat a liver cheese, preferably with the sweet must of the company Händlmeier.
A liver cheese is also a good proviant for the swimming pool or an excursion to nature. 🙂
Thank you for the star. ⭐
I’m very happy. Love greetings
Almost nothing better. Unfortunately, the meanwhile cost 3.20€
Yes, I am.😊👍🏻
LG Maike
I like it, and I like it with ketchup.
Yeah, but not so often and not every liver cheese.
With us there is a great butcher who also has good rolls from the neighboring baker. I’ll give you one. But the liver cheese should be hot or warm. I don’t want such a big slice of cold liver cheese on the bread
I don’t like a pig. And that’s still a number harder.
Cheap disgusting separator meat. Get in touch.
Tastes but horny 😋
Tastes very good :).
I don’t like it.
I don’t like killing
Me neither. That’s why I’m letting the killer do it.
Do not give orders to murder
Demand and supply are terms you should not deny your vocabulary
Me neither. That’s why the slaughterer does it without commission.
very rare
Right horny with sweet must but only
Yes, but with us it is called liver cheese (short truck)
No, or I don’t eat it because I’m a vegetarian, but I can’t judge it especially well since I’ve never tried it before.
Yeah, I like it.
I like it. But not too thick.
I don’t like a liver cheese.
From time to time, it tastes very good, but more often I don’t want to have to eat it.
Absolutely! ♥
Today only eaten… ♥♥
…. awkward….