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1 month ago

What you mean, absolutely not. But if the work on the computer, as a developer and engineer scientist, is enriched every few weeks with some physical work, it is very welcome to me. I had this for many years, but for the sake of anonymity, I can’t be quite specific. I had to handle tons-heavy objects, with the crane, and in it heavy weights between 5 and 250 kg so carefully positioned and adjusted that weight, center of gravity and inertia were right. You can’t delegate that to craftsmen, too complicated. The craftsmen only had to screw the weights. Unfortunately, with what work I gained from it, I can’t betray, see above. In the penultimate company, which was in the east, the colleagues were Ossis, I had to bend over a greased rail, so I had dressed a olles shirt. The position-adjusting Ober-Ossi saw how I looked in, and said: The scientific power becomes production power.

1 month ago

Yes, I can’t just sit somewhere for 8 hours I must be moving


1 month ago

ne likes no sport

1 month ago

Yes, very much.

1 month ago

The farmer worked with forest, animal, potato, pine trees. After school to the evening dinners.

1 month ago

No, physical professions are nix for me

1 month ago

Uh, no. Physical work I’ve always gone out of my way. I would never have fallen into my dream to fill or clean shelves while studying at the supermarket.