Magic Mushrooms Drogentest?
ich habe Grund zur Annahme dass mir Magic Mushrooms ohne mein Wissen untergejubelt worden da ich möglicherweise unter einer Drogenpsychose leide.
Ich will nicht genauer erklären, wieso genau ich darauf komme sonst müsste ich weiter ausholen und das wär auch nicht weiter relevant.
Ich würde gerne wissen, ob ich diese wirklich versehentlich eingenommen habe. Kann man sich da irgendwo freiwillig einem Drogentest unterziehen? Muss ich das selber zahlen? Wenn ja, wie viel kostet sowas?
Der vermeintliche Tag des Konsums war vor ca. 2 Wochen
Danke für alle Antworten
Two weeks after consumption there is no evidence of blood or urine. Most likely this would be detectable by means of hair analysis. No guarantee. You can expect a price of €100 or more.
Have you been with a doctor for your condition? That would be a guess. There you can also be advised for hair analysis.
Good luck!
Thanks very much ⭐
after 2 weeks this is unfortunately only difficult to prove. with luck is still little detectable in blood. I think it is unlikely. in the case of a hair sample, this is more likely, but also costs more
in the internet you can order urintests that you can also make home. otherwise you can ask in an apotheke. they can tell you more precisely and have other ideas
You can do this by using a urine or blood sample at the family doctor. I’ve been doing cannabis tests with domestic doctors a lot. They then cost about 25 euros.