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1 year ago

The 40 percent costs approx. 1.39 to 1.59, depending on the brand and the 20’s.

You don’t go shopping so much that you don’t have the usual prices in your head. The price changes more often. .

Brochures come every week and also online often comes the quarter price.

Some shops have also heard the Flayer because it costs a lot of money for paper.

2 years ago

I still know where it cost 70 cents. It’s already crassed how expensive it was. I used to exaggerate with magerquark. had 2KG magerquark additionally fed per day. That was definitely not healthy xD

Tip from me: Mix protein under the magerquark. So you greatly improve the biological value. With this you have a holistic amino acid profile and the body can start much more with it. Destroying that it actually satisfies better because not only the filling effect and the long-term effect occur, but also fast and medium saturation causes this small addition. Thanks to me, if you’re overwhelmed by your Gains

2 years ago
Reply to  Kampfsorb

Mix protein under the magerquark? What protein is that? There are many proteins. Protein made from milk? Or from Soy? Or artificially produced protein?

In a normal diet, all proteins are in sufficient amount.

2 years ago

then has become extremely expensive. I haven’t bought it any longer. Or maybe 20 or 40% Quark

Previously the 500 gr. times were at 69 cents or so

2 years ago

“Margerquark is unhealthy”

ne, think times will be the same when go on site and look

2 years ago

1.39 for Aldi

2 years ago

I mean 500g also 1,39€