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7 months ago

Then try “Yogi Tea”.

Lakritz Minze is very nice.

If you want to be cheaper, try the Cupper Licorice or the Milford Fresh Mind.

7 months ago
Reply to  LonelySoul87

Hi, where is it?

7 months ago
Reply to  BabaShrimps

Almost everywhere.

Cupper is available at DM, Rossmann, Tegut and in well sorted stores.

Fresh Mind used to be DM, Rossnamm, Edeka, but some have taken him out of the range.

Yogitea also exists in the DM, Rossmann, Edeka, Tegut

7 months ago

They’re all very tasty, I think. It also depends on the drawing time.

The cupper, for example, in my opinion needs a lot more draw time than it stands because after a few minutes it only tastes hot water. But if you give him enough time, he is one of the most intense.

The Yogi, on the other hand, tastes very aromatic from the outset, because there are many other things in it that unfold the taste earlier.

So it depends on how fast you want to drink it. If you’re more like a teat like me, who likes to forget it in the kitchen and drink it lukewarm, everyone goes.

If you like to drink them properly hot, then let the cupper either pull in half a cup and fill the cup with hot water, or take another, such as the Yogi.

Sweetwood needs a little bite to taste if it is not powdered.

7 months ago

Oh, okay. What would you call the most delicious?

7 months ago

the others taste almost exactly that. Lakritz is made of sweetheart and all varieties I have listed have this as the main ingredient. The difference with Yogi is that there are still Indian spices with, like cadamom etc.

7 months ago

I want to try the Yogitea Lakritz. Thank you.

7 months ago

A beautiful East Frisian tea with Kluntje and “Wölkchen”.

7 months ago
