MagentaTV One Aufnahme Pro7 on SD?

Hallo zusammen,

wir haben seit gestern neue MagentaTV One Receiver mit einem entsprechendem Vertrag.

Jetzt wollten wir auch unsere Aufnahmen wieder programmieren, wobei bei Pro7 die Meldung kam, dass nur eine Aufnahme in HD möglich ist (hatten auf SD eingestellt).

Ich habe viel gegoogelt aber steige nicht mehr durch. Es wird bei den privaten Sendern SD gesendet aber man kann kein SD mehr aufnehmen? Sondern nur noch HD wo man wiederum nicht vorspulen kann?! (Also die Werbung)

Wir wollen eigentlich nur auf SD aufnehmen und entsprechend die (umverschämt langen) Werbepausen vorspulen, so wie sonst auch -.- Geht das mit MagentaTV One nicht mehr oder stelle ich mich gerade zu doof an?!


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10 months ago

That’s exactly why I want to stick to the “old” media receiver MR401 as long as possible. I also take every shipment in SD to be able to coil the annoying advertising.

Unfortunately, the failures accumulate with the built-in hard drive, which is why I have dealt with Magenta TV One intensively.

Pre-coiling during recordings is not influenced by Deutsche Telekom. The reason is the private stations that do not want you to be able to advance. You want to see the advertisement. Personally, I mean, that’s bullshit, because who guarantees that I’m staying in front of the TV during the advertisement?

Then there was the Magenta TV One version 1.0, which also only supports the Magenta version (old). In the meantime there is a new generation of Magenta TV One, which probably supports the old but also the new Magenta 2.0.

But no matter what version you have: The pre-coiling is undesirable and (first time) also not to be bypassed. Recordings are stored in the cloud – even a certain time, then you can’t see the recording (for legal reasons). At MR401 you can have the recording on the hard drive as long as you want….

In short: No, you don’t pretend to be too doof – the private ones are doofing. Want to sell their advertising time as expensive as possible and this is only possible if as many as possible see this advertising….

5 months ago
Reply to  Karsten1966

I have the same problem. Yesterday I watched a show over Joyn, 6 minutes the show 13 minutes advertising and all over the show. I have become insane.This is a nasty of the private One Kl. Tip “take up the inconsistency at night. Advertising!!!

5 months ago
Reply to  frances020360

Another emergency solution: most of the stations offer a media library – if you have missed broadcasts, you can stream them there – usually you have only a small advertising block of 3 advertisements on the front, rest then without advertising (but is different from transmitter to transmitter).