Magenta TV and cable connection from Pyur?

Since the so-called "utility charge privilege" will soon be abolished, I've been eyeing Magenta TV, as mentioned above. My question is, could I use a cable internet connection instead of DSL to receive it via the Telekom TV box (Edit: I meant the TV One, the auto-correction was faster)? Because the internet always says you need fiber optic or DSL, and you can't find anything conclusive about cable internet. I wouldn't want to order cable internet from Pyur and then find that Magenta TV isn't compatible with it. I'd appreciate a good answer to this.

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1 year ago


with the MagentaTV box, this will not work on a foreign connection. However, you could MagentaTV app or MagentaTV stick receive television.

VG Marco P.

1 year ago
Reply to  Beerf24

The MagentaTV Box is always coupled to a connection from us.

It’s different MagentaTV One. That’s where I’ve been back-insured. This can be used on any internet access.

VG Marco P.