Magen-Darmspiegelung gleichzeitig?
Hallo, ich will eigentlich erst mal ein darmspiegelung machen wollen, weil wie gesagt ich seit Wochen schmerzen im Bauchbereich habe lympknoten wurden auch entdeckt und Symptome wie Müdigkeit, Abgeschlagenheit Durchfall- Verstopfung manchmal, und irgendwie Leistungsabfall habe( ob man das jetzt so sagen kann) weiß ich nicht, ich vergesse Sachen irgendwie schneller, als sonst plötzlich. Aber es wurden viele Kontrollen gemacht wie Ultraschall- blutabnahme, und stuhltest ( die Ergebnisse weiß ich noch nicht) aber weil viele sagen das man mit Ultraschall oder blutabnahme nicht den Darm richtig kontrollieren kann will ich mir ein darmspiegelung machen lassen, kann man aber darmspiegelung mit Magenspiegelung Machen lassen also beides gleichzeitig? Wenn ja würde ich das machen lassen wollen, und wie wird das dann gemacht? Mit einer sedierung?
Intestinal reflection is only combined with a stomach reflection on the instructions of the treating physician.
Why would you want to make a gastric mirror? Did your doctor tell you that the pain may come from the stomach?
I think a bowel reflection will be more likely to give a diagnosis (due to your symptoms). Could I possibly imagine that you have a problem with the intestinal mucosa (would explain the pain as there may be inflammation) and the afflictedness (because the nutrients from the food can no longer be properly absorbed).
In front of an intestine and also a stomach reflection, you usually have to take 2 days of strong abduction agent, so that the intestine and the stomach are empty. You can’t eat in time.
Normally, an intestinal reflection runs so that you (if you are still under a certain age – usually under 16) will make a general anesthesia. If you’re older, usually a sedation. Then a small camera is introduced through the anus into the intestine and pushed further until the entire thick and thin intestine has been filmed.
The same in a gastric mirroring is euphoric that the camera is guided through the mouth into the stomach.
I usually have the pain in the upper abdomen, but since my stool is different than usual and the symptoms are unusual I would like to make an intestinal mirror, I am 16 I will soon 17 so I also have to make a general anesthesia?
Hmmm okay, I’d ask your doctor if he’s considering it. Pain can radiate very (all in the gastrointestinal tract).
The thing with the general anesthesia is so, it really comes to the KH. Some make me a sedation to eliminate the risks of general anesthesia. Some prefer to do it because it is often more pleasant to the patient, especially at the age.
The results have not yet arrived, but they are not always sure I got blood too, and they have somehow made a lot different than I took blood in the house doctor for 2 days I had a plastic stuck in the arm there nothing has to wait for the chair test. And yes thank you for your answer, I think that I would be more of a colon reflection.
Hmm, I would definitely make an intestinal reflection. If absolutely nothing has been found there, which explains the pain and the altered chair, I would still apply for a stomach reflection.
In addition, I would ask if a blood collection/stuhlprobe can be made with focus on the gall bladder.
Lyph nodes are distributed throughout the body, so it is completely normal when lymph nodes can be seen on the ultrasound. Except they were swollen, but they wouldn’t have let you out of the KH either.
Thank you so much if I asked you what would you want to do in your situation? If you have symptoms like I have written above and your stool is different but you would have hurt in the upper abdomen you would rather make an intestinal reflection or a stomach reflection?
Because I got Ansgt something wrong in the intestine, but I still have pain in the upper part, it was discovered lymp nodes, which is not bad otherwise I wouldn’t be released from the hospital. But I don’t know what’s more logical is an intestinal reflection or rather a stomach reflection
However, if you want to make intestinal and stomach reflections at the same time, you have to make almost a general anesthesia, as there are two completely different parts of the body.
If you make the intestinal reflection in a practice, I assume it is a partial anaesthesia.
No full anaesthesia is not only done at large surgery. Sometimes they also suffer from small interventions in young people and children. Since the doctor/operator can thus work in peace, as the patient and the inner muscle do not move, and it is less stress for the parient. Partial anaesthesia keeps the patients awake and contactable, they only anaesthetize larger subareas of the body (for example, a PDA would be in a woman during birth)
Customer? You sleep in a sedation or not? I thought general anesthesia is only done if there are bad surgery, in the hospital the doctors told me to make a reflection in a practice because I will get an earlier appointment, you can just say that you don’t want a general anesthesia, I would rather have a sedation.
If your doctor considers it appropriate, gastric and intestinal reflection can be made in one session.
For this, you get venous access, through which medications are then given for calming and sedation and infusions.
No, it doesn’t work at the same time. The stomach and intestine are treated 2 days before the surgery. For example, in the case of intestine, you usually have to drink something that is certain so that it is properly emptied at the surgery…
Moreover, a camera is introduced at the tube into the stomach or intestine in each case.
The hose for the stomach is introduced via your mouth into the stomach, while the hose for the intestine is placed in the rear…. This is very difficult at the same time
Yes, if I think it’s true, it’s really hard, I have to make a general anesthesia or just a sedation with 16?
At the same time, certainly not, on the same day under circumstances. It’s probably your doctor’s gonna have to write you a statement to the KH. Ambulant..
The doctor decides how this is done. It is recommended not to travel by car if an anesthesia is required.
I was in the hospital for two days, I was told to go to the doctor’s office and ask if a reflection would be useful if I should go to a practice and make it there, don’t know how to call such doctors the stop also to make internal medicine, in every case I should go there and make an intestinal reflection if I still have pain.
Talk to your family doctor if the current results are available. What further investigations he sees as necessary and let you recommend where you make this investigation most useful. Or your parents are supposed to listen.
Chair can also change through stress or changed habits.
Pain in the Oberbauch – can also have several causes.
Yes we agreed on Tuesday an appointment with my family doctor there we clarify everything and discuss everything
nine because the completely different departments of a hospital or different hospitals are