Magen Darm Infekt! Erbrechen, Hände waschen, Zähne putzen (Zwangsgedanken)?
Wascht ihr euch gleich nach dem Erbrechen die Hände und putzt eure Zähne bei einem Magen Darm Infekt zb.?
Falls Ihr Gegenstände danach anfasst ?
Oder ist das nicht so schlimm, falls man es vergisst? Passiert dann etwas ?
Immediately after the vomiting, you should not brush your teeth, because the stomach acid attacks the enamel and you should not go over it directly afterwards with a brush.
Better rinse the mouth thoroughly and wait at least half an hour. Sometimes you have to break again as well, then you better wait until it’s through…
And if you do not wash your hands after vomiting ( teeth putzt) and items such as cell phone or clothes, cosmetics etc. a.I have constraints when I break and forget that something happens.
Washing hands is of course important.
You should be treated with forced thoughts.
And if I forget to wash my hands really nothing happens to me or?
No, because you should actually wipe the items. Nothing happens to you, but the objects are broken.
It is not about the vomiting or the dirty objects, but about the forced thoughts that then something will happen to me or my life in the future if I forget it.
K*tze is not exactly good for items. The stomach acid also attacks plastic etc.
So you should wipe them off even if you don’t see anything.
If they aren’t dirty then or are they? It’s just my thoughts in the head not because of the dirt..but that something would happen to me if I forget it..
You should wash your hands. But you don’t have to throw away items when you forget. You can wipe them with a damp cloth.
But it doesn’t happen to the objects if you forget it after the vomiting? I don’t have to take care of the stuff? In any case, I should be in treatment. I just wanted to get help.