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2 years ago

That’s what the body always does.

Through the kidneys, the liver, the intestine, the bladder, constant toxins are removed from the body.

Healthy and balanced nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are all that the body needs to stay fit and healthy.

The fewer poisons are fed, the less it has to detoxify.

2 years ago


That’s what your body does when you eat properly:). In the case of incorrect diet, the intestine is more poisoned. I wrote a book that makes it possible with a full-fledged diet. There is no incompatibility if it is properly carried out. It is just a few days available for 0.89€ in digital form. The price will be increased tomorrow or the day after the print version.



2 years ago

Detoxification usually makes the body sufficiently good.

Except if you have drunken kitchen cleaners or the like now, please call the emergency call and don’t try any domestic medium.

Lars Wilkening
2 years ago

Because the detox is not responsible for the intestine, but the kidneys and liver. The intestine does not store toxins and regularly renews its mucous membranes.

2 years ago

It always makes a healthy body by itself.

2 years ago

It’s not possible. The stomach and intestine “clean” and empty themselves. How are you gonna do that and what?

2 years ago

Is your stomach acutely poisoned?

2 years ago
Reply to  ksifufzsjwof

Then you should rethink your diet and if necessary. consult a doctor. You can only detoxify if you are poisoned acutely, and you would definitely notice that.

2 years ago

Because it’s humbug! The body cleanses itself!

2 years ago

I drink eif zeolith

combine it with essential lemon oil

sometimes I also eat mushrooms & eighth daraf that I do not overacidify

zeolith goes like a sponge through the darm

2 years ago

You have to change your diet.

2 years ago
Reply to  ksifufzsjwof

Yeah, that’s what it’s like. You just live one time.