
Hey,als ich heute beim futterhaus Kräuter für meine meeris kaufte merkte ich zuhause das da eine Made ist, als ich es öffnete sah ich das alles voll ist davon! Das Futter ist von der Marke jr-Farm, was soll man jetzt machen? Hab Kassenzettel, Bild , und das Produkt auch (hab’s in einen Müllsack eingewickelt) Lg

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2 years ago

Are probably food moths in the larvae stage. Wrapping was good so that they don’t go to other dry foods!

This can always happen, even with “human food” in the supermarket with dry ingredients such as flour or muesli or something. Isn’t a drama, things aren’t even harmful to health, just somehow a little gross;). It is precisely for this reason that such dry products should always be transferred directly into airtightly closing containers, because this prevents the moths to be introduced from infesting other foodstuffs.

You can naturally claim and exchange this food. Alternatively, you can just sprinkle it outside on a meadow – birds and other animals are looking forward to both the food and the grubs!

2 years ago

Yeah, that’s gonna have to go away, and I really mean everything. These are probably moths we had in the house at the time, because of that. You have to dispose of everything, especially where you see such small threads, then clean everything very thoroughly with vinegar, or best replace it (such as the cans and cups)

2 years ago

Clearly complain. And an email to the manufacturer with photos. They’ll react… I hope.

Something similar I had with cherry chocolates. They were dried… Then I got a package. With many other sweets.

2 years ago

Just take it back and exchange it.