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Different, sometimes less.
However, I usually do the housework after school and I usually have sports things.
If I wash off again in the evening, dishwasher or kitchen clean usually don’t make so much. Then usually have my sleeping stuff or at least close to it.
Thank you for your answer
For cleaning, I usually wear my more unsightly jogging pants and hoodies. I just got them when I’m home. I wash dishes in between, that’s different. I often use disposable dishes for fast or if I don’t want to wash off 😬
I live with my family and therefore usually my mama makes the budget, but I also help some. Since I’m a nudist and I’m always naked, I’m also naked at the household.
lg sarah
In the current ageing mostly jeans and sweater.
At home I usually have leggings and an old sweater, in summer cycling pants and T shirt. Sometimes some clothes before I finally sort them out.
I’ll put it and wash the dishes.
As soon as I’m home, I’ll wear a joggin suit, so I’ll put and wash dishes.
It’s normal what I’m wearing right now. I don’t think so. When I’m getting home, loose clothes like Leggins. If I got home, maybe a dress or a skirt.
Are you wearing a skirt?
Normal everyday clothing, jeans, t-shirt, hoodie, of course not the latest and best clothes.
I am not a girl, but I must also make my household. I’ll do this in Jogginhose and Pulli or the like. after work, get out of the clothes and get comfortable.
Usually the normal everyday clothes. 🤷🏻
What is your everyday clothes?
Normal clothes, don’t just keep the best.
Dress up, if I think of a choke to wash off.
What apron do you wear?
A simple one:
I love it
What I have to do now
Depending on my gamble or everyday clothes
So what I’m doing is nothing special
What are you wearing?
I just wear a jogging suit 🙈
Wear bh top a long sleeved high-closed blouse nen skirt tights and my kittel apron
What I’m holding on 😅
What would that be?
I always wear what I wear at home…a jogging pants and a t-shirt or sweater.
Clean to dishes: I don’t know, I’ve never washed dishes.
Jogging pants and T-shirt.
Just one apron.
ear protector because the dishes are so jammed.
I also wear hearing protection