Mädels was haltet ihr von einer langen Vorhaut?
Bin Noah 14 Jahre
Ich habe eine sehr lange Vorhaut was meine Freundin stört 😟
Meine Frage ist an die mädels .
Wie findet ihr eine lange Vorhaut ?
Würde mich freuen über viele. Antworten ,
Ich hab ne Vorhautverengung und hab das eigentlich mein Leben lang ignoriert weil ich jetzt nicht schmerzen oder Probleme beim urinieren hab aber hab jetzt ne Freundin die auch schon die 1. Schritte eingehen will. Wie kann ich das kurzfristig wegmachen oder wie mach ich das insgesamt weg
Ich habe es auf einem Flohmarkt bekommen und frage mich nun ob es echt ist. vielen Dank!
Hallo, ich wurde vor 15 Tagen beschnitten. Sagen wir es so ich habe mir jz jeden Abend Bier gegönnt da ich im Urlaub bin aber auch noch als ich zuhause war. (so 4 Bier jeden Abend außer 3 Abende) und habe ab und zu mal mit Kuchen Eis usw. Gegönnt. Jz frage ich mich beeinflusst…
meine Freunde und ich haben uns die Frage gestellt, ob Penes (Mehrzahl Penis) groß sind. Wir haben uns ausführlich mit diesem Thema auseinandergesetzt, da aber in jedem Land ein anderes Größenverhältnis herrscht, kann unsere Frage leider nicht durch die Recherche im Internet geklärt werden.
Ich bin 16 Jahre alt, wiege 57 Kilo, bin 1,75 cm groß und frage mich ob ich noch wachse weil ich ehrlich gesagt sehr unzufrieden mit meiner Größe bin. Auch meine Stimme ist für mein Alter (aus meiner Sicht) zu hoch für einen 16 jährigen, aber das ist ein anderes Thema! Mein Vater ist 1,90…
Then your girlfriend is superficial, because for your body you can nix that is now the genetics that prescribes how long a foretaste of the penis is. You can only change them by surgery. This, however, is your free choice and not your girlfriend’s decision. Genital mutilation is, by the way, not circumcision and therefore this term of mutilation is also inappropriate. If you want to keep your foreskin, tell your girlfriend. If she doesn’t accept this, she’ll separate you. Men must not suggest to their girlfriend that they should increase their breasts or other examples.
For me, the circumcision at young mutilation is
This is actually dangerous to call a circumcision on man/boys as mutilation. A (genital) mutilation is only in women and not in men, because the life and experience of sexuality through this intervention is usually extremely limited and not only in exceptional cases. However, despite circumcision, men can continue to experience good sex and sexuality in general – women do not. A circumcision with the man as mutilation is more likely to be the risk of rushing and exclusion, just like anti-Semitism, racism, bullying and the like. However, it is clear that circumcision changes the penis and that this can be perceived individually both positively and negatively. This does not justify the definition of mutilation (see above). Think about it. And no, I didn’t say you were to be circumcised to emphasize this again for security reasons. And yes, to cut children without their consent, can be seen critically.
I have to speak again. Very relevant, since a general comparison is also quite appropriate. Of course divided into individual degrees of severity. The foreskin is of course a single, independent part of the body.
Read my answer again. The relationship you have mentioned is irrelevant because it applies to the general comparison. Your definition point is not true, as the foreskin does not count as a single body part, but the body part is the penis and it is not removed.
that is so in fact not correct. In addition, by definition, everyone is considered to be mutilated, who feels like this through a physical violence done to him. Whether girl or boy. Moreover, most forms of female genital mutilation are much smaller than male circumcision. on three circumcised girls come 13 circumcised boys worldwide (in proportion) from the circumcised girls are “only” 17% affected by the invasive and truly limiting so-called pharaonic circumcision. Everything else is a nicvt unambiguously definable issue of execution, or the abilities of the executive cutter. Search the male circumcision can have serious consequences
I’m a gay man standing quite neutral. Optically it is often not very appealing, but during sex everything works.
It’s just optical. A normal length would be visually more appealing but would not disturb me a long foreskin.
Just as a supplementary input: A long foreskin is also one of the normal lengths. There is no standard but diversity.
Personally, it would bother me. Until a couple of months ago, I had another foretaste. My friend wanted a circumcision from me and I let it go. Find it now honestly beautiful and better.
ICh find cuts beautiful
You have to pull them down while you’re having sex, and it’s not a big pleasure.
My foreskin always pulls her back.
Well then there can’t be anything against, except a friend who keeps this for himself, even with women ned sees everything pretty out of it but it doesn’t have to be greedy for children therefore…
Then that’s her problem. Not yours.
then she’s not worth yours. If she really loved you, she wouldn’t care what exactly your penis looks like. Does this or that wrinkle interfere with her vagina? Are you even thinking that she should be able to cope with your wishes? You really want to be with such a girl? You’re in a very difficult situation if you really love her. You could look for the conversation with her about how you’re hurt by this demand. Maybe she’ll laugh, maybe she’ll find you immature, but all of this would only show how small she’s compared to you! If she doesn’t show any change in conversation, you should drop her. To lose you for the rest of your life good 2/3 of your penis sensitivity, for a girl who judges you pure according to externalities. That doesn’t sound good. Write if you have asked and don’t let yourself confuse 🙂
change the girlfriend, sex is ned everything but already important…
Hit her to enlarge her breasts. Or to tighten her Po or something else. Maybe she can see how hurting her statement is. These are natural things you cannot change. And whoever is not willing to look beyond such things is not a good partner in a relationship in my eyes.
So I don’t find my ugly
that is also stupid, that certainly didn’t have to do
Yes, but they want me to cut my foreskin what I don’t want
I don’t care.
What’s the problem with your girlfriend?
She’s really acting like a hammer.
The preskin belongs to the man, like the labia to the woman!
Or do you think the female sex organs are more beautiful?
Don’t let yourself be cut for such a crap! I can only warn against it.
circumcision is not bad in itself, but for this reason, because the girlfriend wants it, not a good idea. Only if the boy/man wants this himself.
circumcision without medical reason is bad and brings only disadvantages!
I think the one who doesn’t read here is you.
Just stop interpreting things.
Wow, you either didn’t read my answer or didn’t understand it. Read my answer again and correct your own contradiction.
Yes. The foreskin has its meaning!!
circumcision without a medical reason should be prohibited.
Also no, because in addition to medical reasons there are still other reasons, such as your own desire for whatever reason. In order to follow your answer, a medical circumcision would be good without the affected man/boy wanting to do so. That’s total bullshit, as you hope to see yourself. It is not to underestimate your own desire, with or without medical reasons or reasons.
Without foreskin, girls/women would get rare underlying cancer.
Irrelevant contribution.
is so wrong. This refers purely to men with existing phimosis or lack of genital hygiene. Tudem, on the other hand, has a very common vaccination available for every available 🤦 ♂️
That’s wrong. Smegma can be washed away. Who doesn’t do this is a piglet.
There are still billions of viruses and bacteria left. For cleanliness, “man” should wash the penis with warm soap water every 20 minutes. I don’t know anyone who does that.
That’s nonsense. Also the cut snare is not germ-free!