Made auf rohem Fleisch gefunden, was tun?

Hey ich mach mir gerade ein Schnitzel und hab auf dem rohen Fleisch eine Made gefunden (glaube ich, bin mir nicht ganz sicher weil die anders aussieht wie Bilder auf Google)

Was soll ich jetzt machen? Das ganze Fleisch wegschmeißen? Ist das gefährlich? Oder nur das eine Stück Fleisch wegschmeißen?

Das war sicherlich keine Fliege oder so, da bin ich mir sicher.

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2 years ago

No, that’s not Made. In winter they don’t exist. If it were, it’s not harmful to health. In the future even food is to be produced from insects.

2 years ago

sharply roasted and roaring, the scavenger when it was a made what I can imagine badly

2 years ago
Reply to  BadUtensilien

a velvet out of a fly which has to fly must first lay the ice, then the Made (depending on temperature) grows up, which takes a few days; after such a few days you would smell and see that the meat is bad;

or the Made has fallen down

2 years ago

rather unlikely, guess it, I would have considered zero if you don’t eat it raw;

2 years ago

Health risk exists unfortunately – so it must be in waste

2 years ago
Reply to  MrsssP

Sometimes I consider whether an answer is serious or ironic. 1000 grubs are also not harmful to health.

2 years ago

If it was really one, throw away.
You don’t have to worry if you’ve been eating fly eggs because they are destroyed by the stomach acid.

But I personally don’t have to have that right now. ;

2 years ago

I suspect it would be even edible, but my grandson would be too big to do that.

2 years ago

I’d rather go away.