Macrogol beta plus elektrolyte, wirkt wann?
Hallo. Ich muss zur Stuhlregulierung jetzt das Mittel nehmen wegen der Op. Die war am Donnerstag, hab wenig gegessen danach und gestern auch nur fast geschlafen. Nun wollte ich heute das Mittel nehmen und sehe dann das es erst in 12 std wirkt? Hat jemand Erfahrung damit gemacht? Danke schonmal
It can take longer. It may be that a package per day is too little and 2 to 3 are required. After 3 days it should work slowly.
PS: This, by the way, is not a typical abductive, but rather a regulator that softens the chair.
I have no problems with constipation. But now I have to take this after my op. That’s why I think that’s enough a bag with me. What if you have diarrhea and take something like that? Does it also tie the chair?
If that should be the case, it is quite practical
It’s not new.
After an surgery, it’s typical because you’re lying a lot. It was me too.