Macht Übergewicht im jungen Alter nicht sofort krank?
Übergewicht, Gesundheit
Übergewicht, Gesundheit
Und ab wann macht ihr einen Unterschied zu schlank? Wie nutzt ihr beide Begriffe? Die Umfrage bezieht sich auf den Titel. Also den Begriff dünn sein.
Lauf bmi Fechner bin ich ein bisschen übergewichtig und ich wollte wissen ob das schlimm ist wenn man 3-5 kg zu viel hat. Ich habe halt Angst dass ich noch mehr zu nehme hat jemand Tipps? Und sind 3-5 kg zu viel schädlich? Und bin ich jetzt anfälliger noch mehr Gewicht zu bekommen?
Hallöchen erstmal 🙂 Ich bin Weiblich, 14 Jahre alt, bin 1.57 groß und Wiege 67. Ist das zu viel? Wenn ja, wie viel muss ich abnehmen, und was ist mein idealgewicht?
Servus, ich bin Mikkel und bin gerade 17 Jahre alt geworden. Mir ist klar das man nicht viel wachsen kann da die Genetik den größten Teil davon determiniert, aber ich will mein Wachstumspotenzial zum Maximum ausschöpfen. Aktuelle Körpergröße = 182 cm Ideale Körpergröße die ich erreichen möchte = 185 cm 4x die Woche –> Gewichte…
Hi, ich bin w12 und 1,76 groß und wiege 69kg Ist das zu schwer? Und bin ich zu groß für mein alter?
No, not now. And if someone has 15 and 130 kg of high blood pressure, maybe it can only die at 32.
No overweight makes sneaky sick. Why many people do what if it’s too late.
Not immediately.
But when one has been severely overweight since childhood, the consequences usually occur earlier.
How did you just get the idea that overweight would make you sick automatically?
People with light Overweight actually have a better life expectancy than normal weights. However, they should let their blood pressure, their blood sugar and their blood fats control (that is, normal weighty should also!), because the combination of overweight and risk factors can eventually make them sick. But not the overweight alone.
even in the strong overweight people still find about 20-25%, which are completely healthy. Everything in normal range except body weight. These people don’t have to lose weight. Occasionally to control (see above), but otherwise its only health risk is a strain on the knee and ankle joints.
Hello (People withlightOverweight actually have a better life expectancy than normal weights. the statement is actually wrong, the slenders have a better life expectancy rather the undernourished,
Reasons: you age every seven years, as long as all body cells are renewed, this is the reason why you age, in the case of the wives, the process is slowed down in the case of the sub-nourished: look for a picture and copy, then take the copy and repeat the process 6 x then look at the last copy and compare it with the original one. so it was explained in a TV report
A study from Denmark shows the highest life expectancy in a BMI of 27 – and that’s not the only one. There are many studies that show such a correlation.
I don’t understand what your example should be with the copies.
We talked about life expectancy with a slight overweight, and this, according to many studies, is better than normal weighted copies.
test it, this is the reason you age, otherwise you would always look very young
No. But for years it destroys the joints and blood vessels and bones.
comes to the overweight, even overweight can be healthy.
Not long-term.
If we speak of obesity in a language, we don’t mean 1-2 kg…
comes to the height of the overweight
Not immediately.