Macht rauchen wirklich süchtig?

Folgender Hintergrund, ich kenne eine junge Frau, die raucht am Wochenende gute 3 Packungen Zigaretten am Tag und in der Woche kaum oder sogar garnicht. Wie geht sowas? Wenn Rauchen doch abhängig macht/ machen soll, wie ist das dann zu erklären?

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1 year ago

I will answer this with a blog page I wrote. It is written in English, but at the top left there is an interpreter.

Why we are smokers

1 year ago

Yes nicotine and “something in hand” in stressful, boring or funny situations makes addictive.

I’m Exraucher, and I can guess that.

1 year ago
Reply to  Totenprinz

Smoking YES

nicotine NO

1 year ago

Does smoking really addictive?


Smoking cigarettes and tobacco has one of the highest known dependency potentials.

Already the smoke of a single cigarette can cause first symptoms of a starting dependency. But not every person becomes dependent.

The dependency potential is artificially generated.

With the consumption described, it is difficult to imagine that the person is not dependent and does not smoke in the week. But it is possible…

1 year ago

Smoking is habit if you smoke only on weekends, the body gets used to getting nicotine on weekends (e.g. in connection with alcohol). And if that’s not given, she doesn’t need cigarettes.

1 year ago

Does smoking really addictive?

The question has been scientifically confirmed many years ago. Anyone who is still questioning this today has either failed or wants to deny that science lies.