macht nikotin zwingend abhängig?

Ich rauche meistens 1 bis 2 Zigaretten seit fast einem Jahr. ich kann ohne Probleme 5 oder mehr Tage ohne eine Zigarette auskommen. ich rauche nur sehr selten mehr als angegebene Menge. Macht Nikotin also zwingend süchtig?

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2 years ago

Natürlich macht regelmäßiger Nikotinkonsum zwangsläufig abhängig. Hier einige Studien, die das Suchtpotential von Nikotin klar belegen:

Nicotine is highly addictive and, along with its metabolites, can cause cancer and affect neuronal development in adolescents irrespective of its source”

“Nicotine is a psychoactive ingredient in tobacco that significantly contributes to the harmful tobacco smoking habit. Nicotine dependence is more prevalent than dependence on any other substance.

The addiction-relevant molecular, cellular, and behavioral actions of nicotine are derived from its stimulatory effects on neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) in the central nervous system.”

“Owing to the relatively mild euphorigenic properties of nicotine, the contribution of the reward-enhancing effects to maintaining dependence is hypothesized to be greater for nicotine than other drugs of abuse”

“Here, we review the molecular, cellular, and circuit-level mechanisms through which nicotine elicits reward and aversion and the adaptations in these processes that drive the development of nicotine dependence.”

“A substantial proportion of U.S. adolescent JUUL users reported symptoms of nicotine dependence, which is greater for those who vape more frequently and use other substances.”

“The chain of cause and effect of nicotine addiction starts with the interaction of this tobacco alkaloid with nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs). This interaction leads to activation of reward centers in the CNS, including the mesoaccumbens DA system, which ultimately leads to behavioral reinforcement and addiction.”

“Patterns of nicotine dependence were comparable across those who had used a combustible cigarette and/or e-cigarette in the past 30 days, with 91.4% of combustible cigarette users, 80.7% of disposable e-cigarette users, 83.1% of pod-based e-cigarette users, and 82.5% of mods/other e-cigarette users showing signs of nicotine dependence”

“Use of e-cigarettes by U.S. young adults, most of which is not intended to help reduce smoking, is related to more rather than less frequent and intensive cigarette smoking.”

“The adaptive changes of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors produced by repeated exposure to nicotine play a crucial role in the establishment of dependence. […] Endogenous enkephalins acting on mu-opioid receptors also play a role in the development of physical dependence to nicotine.”

E-cig dependence appears to vary by product characteristics and liquid nicotine concentration, and it may increase over time.”

Wer diese Fakten leugnen will, der sollte schon mehr vorzubringen haben als die absurde Unterstellung, die Studienautoren könnten nicht zwischen Tabakrauch und Nikotin unterscheiden.

2 years ago

You’re going to be a little more sober with each cigarette. And you connect smoking with certain situations where you can’t go without. The physical dependence on nicotine, on the other hand, is a joke and not worth the speech.

2 years ago

Your brain structure changes and you will definitely depend on it. The question is whether you can cognitively counteract it and most cannot do it in the long term. At the latest in stress situations, these people are experiencing the desire for a cigarette.

2 years ago

Pure nicotine does not depend. Deshakb is also called tobacco addiction.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sniffyz12

Pure nicotine is a nerve poison and would kill you.

2 years ago
Reply to  Wiesel

Sola dosis facit venenum.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sniffyz12

The term “bactice” comes from times when nicotine was consumed exclusively as tobacco. Of course, nicotine makes addiction, it acts directly on the reward center in the brain, just like all addictions. Who denies this should ask for the motives for it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Perpendikel


2 years ago

I don’t even read your posts by the way

2 years ago

As I said, you don’t seem to care what contradicts your laity faith. Scientists and other crossers have never dealt with facts that are sufficiently happy in their parallel universe. For the poor are blessed in the spirit – they should not spread the untruth.

2 years ago

I don’t care about your opinion.

2 years ago

You have already demonstrated that you don’t care what contradicts your laity faith. Instead, you knowingly spread the untruth here – or why do you always come up with the same long-standing fairy tale? The scientific study situation is clear: nicotine is addicted. Only dummies or liars would deny that they are “old” – and then go to foundations if they were asked for appropriate documents.

2 years ago

So I don’t care about your opinion.

2 years ago

Sure, the lot will make you a drug. Do not change the explanation of nicotine.

2 years ago

If you don’t care that you’re ridiculing yourself with free-invented claims, I’ll take note of that – and the fellow readers too.

Ceterum censeo and state of science: inhaled nicotine quickly makes addiction.

2 years ago

I don’t care.

2 years ago

Your argumentative surrender is accepted.

2 years ago

Find yourself out.

2 years ago

we both know that there is no scientific refutation, otherwise you would have linked it long ago. But this is the only way that you can find out: to deny the facts about nicotine addiction and to offer empty claims.

2 years ago

Your knowledge is pretty obsolete.

2 years ago

Why do you deny the irrefutable facts? Do you hope to be smarter than all the cited study authors who have demonstrated a clear addiction effect of inhaled nicotine, or are you just putting your head in the sand?

2 years ago

Brother as my experience is, no. I’m a smoker and an opportunity box. Usually so 3 – 4 times a year something weed (or other things), but have now been at least. 1.5 years no more THC consumes and does not miss it. But it depends on the person. Someone has to decide individually. Others might have been dependent on two Jonnys.

2 years ago

The worst dependency on the cigarette is the dependency you talk yourself into.

Nicotine dependence has an effect of about 2 weeks.

2 years ago

Only nicotine no, all the ingredients in a cigarette makes addiction!

2 years ago
Reply to  Webclon

Only nicotine no

That’s wrong. nicotine itself is the main factor for what in pre-ENDS-Times were called “bactice”.

all ingredients in a cigarette makes addiction

They increase the addiction effect.

2 years ago
Reply to  Perpendikel


2 years ago

I’m just like you

2 years ago

Yes, it does – otherwise you could complete without

2 years ago
Reply to  Repwf

Some people can